Which Island?
If this is for St. Croix - I use Sheets & Johnson (might just be under James Sheets CPA now - located on Queen Cross St.) for my taxes - 773-7510. My...
Are we handing out drug dealer's phone numbers on here? I must have missed that thread...:P
The only time i had trouble today was not putting the 340 in when i dialed - it said Network Failed. Someone told me that with the 3G conversion, the...
it's better now - i guess even the message board has a case of the mondays...
The Garden State Plaza is my favorite mall! I hit it up annually when I go to the states. Is this the one you went to...?
I Graduated from Good Hope in 2002 after being there since I was in first grade. My sisters were lifelong Good Hope Kids until they graduated in 2006...
www.stxpm.com This is a property management firm that often advertises for condos for rent, close to Christiansted. Are you moving with pets? ...
oh gosh. i've been hearing the Walmart/Target story for years. Don't hold your breath, lol.
It's better that those who have any reservations about adopting, don't. Too many animals are adopted and then taken to the shelter b/c they weren't w...
Rum is $2.50 a bottle? What rum and where? Cruzan is $6-8 depending on where you go. Milk is about $5. Everything's going to be more expensive h...
oops, sorry - this isn't my site. i just know that they represent condos so i passed along the website =]
You can try Tropical Shipping: 9505 N.W. 108th Avenue Medley, FL 33178 P: 305.805.7400 F: 305.805.7629 Small Shipment Receiving Facility ...
my boyfriend and i love the scooter santa! i imagine (could be wrong) that it's advertisement for St. Croix Motorsports. It must be SO HOT in that co...
Check out Long Reef, St. C., Mill Harbor - all $1,500 and under.
Can you please send pics to nicole.a.forbes@gmail.com? We're looking for a puppy (2nd visit to the shelter last weekend, lol). any clue on what types...
Hey Matthew, Well, at least you'll be here for the St. Patty's Day Parade! It's awesome - tons of fun, people, and entertainment. I've seen a coupl...
I've used WFB or WEB (something like that) which is (heading towards town) the first left after Charles Harwood Hospital and before the TV Station. T...
i check craigslist a lot - it's caribbean.craigslist.com i found my current rental house there, plus i have posted a few items and found a few for s...
We used to have paintball over by the new Costuless on St. Croix. It was an open field and a couple of boards to hide behind. i remember my classmat...
i hope it was her too! i was really looking forward to a "at last, they meet again" story!
yeah, something is definitely going around...makes sense as it's tourist season and we don't have the immunity built up here yet. I started on Friday...
yeah, i think i have one laying around. it's barely used, i got it in college and switched to dvd. i have recorded on it with set timers, etc...i thi...