Which island are you on? I think the best people to contact on S. Croix are the people that own the ATV Rental Tour in Frederiksted. I know that St. ...
which island are you on?
i posted this on facebook. i have lots of friends in that area so they will be keeping eyes out! Hopefully, Precious will be found 🙂
it's St. Thomas. i clicked the link and it said STT moving sale 🙂
my parents gave my sisters and i fluoride pills when we were growing up b/c we didn't have any in the water down here like they had in New Jersey. No...
they used to do it at Ruel's Risque Wear - next to Plaza East. I think they might have closed, though.
i would love an automatic car wash. i don't have time to do it myself and i'd rather go through the machine than pay someone to do it. also, i'd like...
I'm not sure how a 1989 VHS could go on YouTube...but it would be interesting to find out!
That is a really good question. I hope that we never again have to have a hurricane with the strength of Hugo. St. Croix has not really fully recove...
that's ridiculous. spending $400 on a phone should get you something! or one would hope.
How about instead of bailing out companies like AIG...again...we put that money to actual good use. Pay off Federal Student Loans. I know i could a...
ohhhhh the CHART HOUSE! god, i loved that place! the mud pie was to die for...and i did love the salad bar too. mmmm
Now that i live in Frederiksted, I have to find a whole new way to eat, lol. i've always been an east girl so it's fun getting to know the west side....
That's such a shame, Patrick was a really nice guy and usually fixed watches for free if not really inexpensive...probably why he went outta business ...
i really wish they would sell more tickets or not have them all sold out in 15 minutes. i've never been b/c i can't get a ticket!
i've heard that the hospital has great food...i just can't see myself going there if i don't have an emergency, lol
Those restaurants are all still around. Try Rowdy Joe's on the Northshore - i hear it is AWESOME! Villa Morales is still kicking Thurs - Sat 10-10. ...
I went to Good Hope my entire life and loved it. I would put my kids in private school here, but it's nice to hear someone on the board say positive ...
Thanks, Yearasta. It's nice to see someone stand up for the public schools! I'm glad your kids enjoy it 🙂
I know the deducutions for my work paycheck are Federal, Social Security, and Medicare. Nothing specific to VI.
We don't have State Income Tax and i just use the free e-file editions found online:
I had a co-worker who did this once and she got her rebate, except that she was also going to get one from the USVI and the US Gov't was going to requ...
that seems to be the trick du jour - everyone's knocked up on facebook!
oh ok, good to know. i seriously wanted to cry when i saw the $700 bill...and then i got furious! I guess i'll have to make a day to visit WAPA. not...
is this still available?