If you don't mind - why are you leaving? For those of us anxious to relocate it would be interesting to know. Best wishes-
The reality is that companies can determine who they want to insure by using their underwriting" analysis to determine premiums. Yes, you can get insu...
If you have Verizon free nights and weekends national plan there are no roaming or extra charges. However if you get connected to the BVI tower charg...
I don't know why - There are people everywhere that will steal and prey on the good-heartedness of others. While this individual's behavior is repre...
There was an volcanic erruption in July, 2003 that was severe enough that ash impacted flights. Flights were cancelled for three days. My flight to ...
I'm a nc native. If you are considering NC, I can suggest some other great places. Don't get me wrong Charlotte is a nice city but there are other g...
I have thought about how to manage my expectations of a more laid back life. I admit long weekends can be a challenge for me(isn't that terrible) but ...
I hope this doesn't sound defensive BUT (you knew that was coming, didn't you?) I returned to school in 200 and completed my MBA at age 47 in 2001 ! ...