Prominent Member
Joined: September 24, 2012 7:36 pm
Topics: 32 / Replies: 923
Re: dpnr

That is a nice badge and anyone who has a badge collection would love to have it. But the price is a might steep. In the early 80's I bought a new bad...

11 years ago
Re: dpnr

In most cases, You are given your service badge upon retiring and other circumstances, you buy your own. I have two of the three law enforcement badge...

11 years ago
Re: Food & Water Costs

Also, if you are looking for island info including grocery prices, check out Island Trader, which has an on line webside. You can thumb through the on...

11 years ago
Re: Does it get better than a "Dairy Special" from Udder Delight???

Now there you go, that's looking at the brighter and tastier side of things.

11 years ago
Re: Healthcare and Abraham Lincoln...A Coincidence?

WOW, I don't know, I have Blue Cross Blue Shield Health options and not only have my rates steadily increased $15.00-$25.00 a years for the past sever...

11 years ago
Re: HOLY *** BMV Sucks. Gotta vent.

I can't help but to add my 2 cents here. Isn't this what you went to St. Thomas for was to live that island lifestyle? You know the one, that kick you...

11 years ago
Re: Healthcare and Abraham Lincoln...A Coincidence?

I agree 100%, but people can't say they weren't warned about what was going to happen once Obama was elected. "I'm going to fundamentally change this ...

11 years ago
Re: Photographers!

AandA is an outstanding photog. If they aren't doing it professionally, she should.

11 years ago
Re: Healthcare and Abraham Lincoln...A Coincidence?

I agree 100%, but people can't say they weren't warned about what was going to happen once Obama was elected. "I'm going to fundamentally change this ...

11 years ago
Re: Happy Birthday

Happy B day OT

11 years ago
Re: St. Croix crime...the truth

You have to look at it like this, on an island, any island, your chances of being a victim of a crime is a greater than if you lived in the states jus...

11 years ago
Re: St. Croix crime...the truth

You have to look at it like this, on an island, any island, your chances of being a victim of a crime is a greater than if you lived in the states jus...

11 years ago
Re: Has our country gone crazy?

I know, it's all about people not getting their Obamacare and it's driving them CRAZY!

11 years ago
Re: Is this really possible?

The it usually works is when they go to get their tags renewed or car inspected, they will check for unpaid tickets. There must have been a hiccup in ...

11 years ago
Re: Is this really possible?

Lets be real. Of course this is possible. Just look at your surroundings when at the DMV... After realizing what you're looking at, ask yoursel...

11 years ago
Re: Individual health insurance in the USVI

Healthcare rationing is a fact of life in Canada, no doubt about that. But at least they don't bankrupt you and your family while you're waiting. Cana...

11 years ago
Re: Individual health insurance in the USVI

I guess they do believe what politicians say because the big talking points for pushing Obamacare was to give all these uninsured folks health care in...

11 years ago
Re: Individual health insurance in the USVI

My plan already met the requirements of ACA, as I'm sure many others do. And yes, I know I am lucky - lucky in so many ways. Gone, I find th...

11 years ago
Re: Personal Responsibility vs Societal Responsibility

I just believe we should wage war against poor education, like we do brown people, so that we as a people, will stop being so ignorant, that we contin...

11 years ago
Re: Personal Responsibility vs Societal Responsibility

😉 I wrote out this long thing about how stereotypes don't help anyone. But that's the liberal in me, ha ha! I'm a liberal and I don't beli...

11 years ago
Re: moving with a parrot

You don't have to be intimidated by the Dept. of Ag. They are nice people who can answer questions and concerns that you may have if you call them bef...

11 years ago
Re: moving with a parrot

By the by, what type of parrot do you have? Also, I would like to add here that if you don't already have a place lined up to live, quite a few i...

11 years ago
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