It says scheduled to begin at 1 p.m.
Power on for about an hour where I live. Let me check legtv....
If you do not work a government agency or receive government assistance, do not have a business license, do not have a green card, what other governme...
Good question. I don't remember what the delay is this time, but Olive seemed to be all in favor of implementing fed requirements. I'll print out the ...
None of those chickens running around St Thomas. 🙁
That's an industry for the VI! Now let me read the site. Thanks for posting the info.
Thanks, everyone. I think I'll try the free trial and test it out. Is there a place that lists all the movies and TV shows? That's the problem with s...
It's old news that the requirements were put in place, and that there has been a grace period, but TSA always allowed those drivers' licenses. The fac...
The perfect Christmas gift - live roosters.
There was a story circulating in town a few years ago about a tourist who said the black chickens are prized somewhere so he took some back when he le...
Thanks, Alana. What does the farmer do with the roosters? Does he sell eggs? If so, where?
I doubt he'll be at the beach long. He'll probably be fighting soon. That's the disadvantage of relocating roosters, at least on St Thomas. We lost at...
Check Capitol Air, though they are a charter. If somebody has booked, you're an add on.
Wonder who added that entry? I might delete it. Sigh, they tried to do something years ago, but there was an outcry for many reasons. If people w...
I asked my friend about chicken, and he said it was a delicacy when he was growing up here. If they had it, it was usually baked and eaten on Sunday. ...
Don't know why the video won't link. Oh well.
What a great story, Mike! Now fried chicken is everywhere.
Happy consumerism month! (tu) Buy local! Make someone you don't know happy this season. So many people wanting the things we take for g...
I'm glad to see that some people are willing to eat those chickens, though after reading those posts, I've lost my appetite for chicken.
Thanks, Alana! I would never have guessed it's a shark. And remember, "If you want to be merry, eat/drink guavaberry!" Have a Merry Chr...
And last week I was at another post office to check my mail and heard chickens squawking like crazy. Where are they and why are they making so much no...