If you do decide to walk up and down the hill. Some more advice....befriend as many people on Garden Street as possible. We always spoke to all the ...
My parents have Vonage and it's 6 cents a minute to call the VI.
Is it possible to rent a vehicle while you're there? There's plenty of parking in front of the building and you'll be able to see more of the island....
I hope so as well. I hope they will clean up the Pueblo by Crown Bay. The last time I was in there it smelled rotten over in the produce area.
Thank you Trade, I appreciate the info.
The irony is that earlier this year I was over at Cane Garden Bay and overly ecstatic that I got Cingular reception from St. John.
I grew up right outside of the area and have many friends who still live in DC. They can vote for president but just don't have a voice on the hill....
FYI- D.C. residents vote for president, but the city has no electoral votes and no voting representatives in the House of Representatives or the Senat...
Thanks Islandlola! That's the answer I needed.
So is this effective immediately? I'm shipping a car down next month and it will be one less thing to worry about and a bit cheaper than I planned.
So...the question remaining is...are they giving away free pancakes on the 20th like the Stateside IHOP's are?
LOL, sounds convenient. I'm going to look into rates for rentals. Thanks again Trader. Morna
Thanks Trade and East Ender. It sounds like fun...but I guess if I'm going to get a car it will have to be as soon as I get in. I've ridden the taxi...
Thanks for the heads up. When is Carnival? I was thinking of coming down the week of the 16th and staying for a month.