I would welcome a DJ that didn't play that incredibly boring (same beat, different guy screaming) west indian crap.
OT you don't know what any one of us does or does not do, to better the lot of others, so it's not nice to tell people to stop blustering and shouting...
OT you don't know what any one of us does or does not do, to better the lot of others, so it's not nice to tell people to stop blustering and shouting...
I love the "spot", but everything other than the building..... not so much anymore. Hahaha I soooo know what you're talking about. And I will ...
This is why I take issue with the suggestion that the VI is racist against whites and locals retain some sort of privilege. Who made that sugges...
Another mostly off topic post.... I started programming professionally in 1973. I learned to program in FORTRAN and IBM 1130 assembly language in 19...
Imagine how different the islands would be if we had all that talent here. I think local youth seeing people like themselves who have succeeded would ...
I work with many young locals and the biggest complaint I hear from them has nothing to do with color their biggest complaint is "why don't these old ...
I would love to see some of the VI talent being able to come back here and do the same. Or maybe come here and start their own businesses. The brain d...
BTW. I consider the video above of Senator Figueroa-Serville to be a racist rant. This was in the senate and was broadcast on public access television...
I develop software for a group of researchers who just marketed the world's first dengue vaccine. Three of those researchers are from the VI...two fro...
Three of those researchers are from the VI...two from St. Croix, one from St. Thomas, all PhD's. You won't see us coming back home any time soon....
That's what his salary is for. it's only 120,000 though right? (more than the Gov of PR?) I mean how do we expect him to scrape by making 6x what...
The animus toward American transplants is widespread in the region (and not a racial thing, like the uncultured would suggest): "Why Costa Rica H...
The Frenchies own boats and businesses. Oh, but wait, they've been here for generations but (gasp) they're (mostly) white so don't fit monogram's cri...
(tu) I suspect you will wait a long time for an answer. (tu)(tu)8-)
And trust me--the Palestinians who came here and prospered would not have been so prosperous had they instead moved to Israel. Most would admit that. ...
Monogram, Festus Pemberton is a black boat owner who used to participate in the parade. 1 out of 85,000 blacks in the VI--yikes. A true inspirati...
How would you suggest that wealth be redistributed? Should it be race based? Not at all-- wealth should never be distributed! Thatcher would dis...
Sunny Isle - the De Chaberts owned it, and the land that Hess bought: Correct, with the key word being "owned." Many were upset with them when...
I'm sure that is a huge relief to the 12% of the United States who are black and have less than 2% of the wealth. Thank Jeebus for SCOTUS. Ha! ...
*Be part of the 8% of the population that owns 99% of the VI's private wealth* *complain about how racist society is against members of that grou...
Whites can't really claim racism here when they own virtually all of the most valuable companies, real estate, etc. (Seaborne, Coral World, Tramway, I...
I am aware of the surgeons who left. Chris was a great guy. Still, don't give only one side of the story.