Reputable Member
Joined: October 25, 2005 5:23 pm
Topics: 31 / Replies: 432
Re: Tree Removal and Pruning

Hi Jay, Thanks for the heads up. For sure, I am only interested in working with people who reside here legally and who have insurance. Unfor...

18 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 1439
Re: STT help and advice--moving

Hi, Great posts Tam, Coolchica, Suzanne B, Ronnie, et al . Let's face it, for months now there has been a group of posters who regularly ha...

18 years ago
Re: Computer Crashed!!

Hi Shawn, I am glad to hear that you got this resolved. I was going to suggest a local company to you, but because I personally have never used t...

18 years ago
Re: Organic goodies coming soon...

That is good news :)!!! The only possible downside will be the cost. Organic produce is expensive enough in the states, but here? Oy........

18 years ago
Re: Texas Embassy?

Donkeysusvi, I am curious about this too -- any scoop? 🙂

18 years ago
Re: What are some hard-to-get items on the islands

Hi Suzette, Great! I'm glad you found your cheese at yet another place -- always great to have a back up!!! I have found things that I woul...

18 years ago
Re: Address Service

Hi Iris, This seems like a good service and it is always good to have a variety of options. Currently I keep a P.O. Box at a UPS store in th...

18 years ago
Re: What are some hard-to-get items on the islands

Hi Suzette, Good news!!! The White Cheddar Cheese Fairy has been reading this board and decided to pay a visit to Marina Market! I just...

18 years ago
Re: We finally bought land on STX!

Hi Texas Girl, Congratulations!!! That's exciting!!!! I am on STT and don't know of any architects on STX. However, here is a link for the...

18 years ago
Re: What are some hard-to-get items on the islands

EE, I didn't see your post before I put mine up -- I guess I will be seeing you soon at Marina Market :)!

18 years ago
Re: What are some hard-to-get items on the islands

Hi Suzette, Have you tried Plaza Extra, Gourmet Gallery, or Marina Market?

18 years ago
Re: carpentry jobs

Hi Bobbyny, Are you interested in being self-employed or working for a builder? If you want to be self-employed, I think it will take a little t...

18 years ago
Re: Restaurant, On beach, Okay for kids... (STT)

There is also a restaurant and beach bar at the Island Beachcomber Hotel on Lindbergh Bay beach -- a two minute drive from the airport. The setti...

18 years ago
Re: Hammock

Hi Jay, I called Sea Chest because I might be in the market soon for a hammock myself. They told me that they don't stock hammocks, but they do s...

18 years ago
Re: Hammock

I would definitely recommend checking the places mentioned above. I also wonder if the Sea Chest carries hammocks. Here's the phone number: 774.049...

18 years ago
Re: Does anyone have an opinion about...

Hi Jlee0408, I don't know if you need anymore feedback as it is pretty clear that several posters are in agreement on this issue, but I would sug...

18 years ago
Re: Work out facilities

Hi Greggts, There are several threads regarding gyms that might be of interest to you. Use the search feature at the top of the board and search...

18 years ago
Re: gasoline price

Wow!!! This makes me really :X -- because I believe that this is nothing but gouging -- pure and simple.

18 years ago
Re: Vet Near Bolongo?

Hey there Jen! The only vet that I know that would be close to Bolongo -- actually closer to Limetree, would be Doc Williamson. He is quite the ...

18 years ago
Re: Building Costs

Hi Cyrano, My friends are off island until late next week, but when they return, I will get this information for you. I'll also get the numb...

18 years ago
Re: sunset adjustment?

My name is Mell and I am too!!! That said, I don't plan to give it up because emoticons are fat, carb, and calorie free. It's either this or...

18 years ago
Re: Building Costs

Goodness!!! I'm scared again!!!! But thanks for the feedback, it all helps! Best, 🙂 Mell

18 years ago
Re: sahara dust

Hi Jane, Thanks for consulting your hubby on this and passing the information along :). Unfortunately vanity prevents me from walking around loo...

18 years ago
Re: Year of the Locusts

Actually, a number of desert locusts did attempt to "relocate to the islands" back in 1988. Fortunately, they did not manage to establish themselves. ...

18 years ago
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