I truly do enjoy having access to the excellent advice and variety of opinions expressed on this board and am always happy to hear what other people h...
Hi TK, Here is a very detailed post from this board outlining the various costs involved in shipping a car. Based on the rate quotes I have obta...
Hi Piaa and Bnk1227, Thanks for the feedback :)!
Hi Smartbomb, This is a great link. I find it particularly useful, as I am currently in the throes of packing, organizing and decluttering for t...
Hi Smartbomb, Not to belabor this, but............................ I agree with you that "Citing higher rates of new cases in such a small p...
In fact, Island Ed, it appears that your original statement was accurate. The double-digit numbers referred to in a previous post are the number of ne...
Regarding the HIV / AIDS statistics discussion that arose during this thread....... I just read the following piece in the January/February issue...
Thanks Braytina 🙂
Hi Dante, Thank you so much for the information. That was extremely helpful 🙂 ! I will contact Lee in the morning. Best, Mell
Thank you for the additional information Islander 🙂
Thanks for the very detailed info Jim Dandy and Smartbomb. The suggestion to use the USPS to ship certain items is particularly helpful. I think...
Hi Everyone, Happy Holidays :)!!! Thank you for the updates on the power situation. I guess I didn't realize how often the power went on an...
East Ender, Thanks for the great feedback regarding power outages 🙂 🙂 🙂
I enjoyed reading this and found it to be very informative. I have a question about power outages: I was wondering if anyone knows of one island ...
Hi, For anyone who might be interested in some additional consumer feedback.................... I tried these bags and they did not work for...
Hi everyone, Thanks for the helpful information. Now that I know what this is all about, I will make sure to enlist the help of these young men w...
Hi, I just wanted to follow up regarding Surfbest.net. I took my laptop with me to STT and am using the service now. It works great!!! I h...
Hi everybody, Thank you for all the great information! I guess I will go ahead and bring my laptop with me on this trip. This helped a lot ...
Hi Thea, Thank you for the additional info 🙂 Mell
Hi Kelly, Thank you for the info. I hadn't thought about the fees. Have you had good luck with the service you currently use while in STT? ...