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Joined: August 6, 2015 10:00 pm
Topics: 3 / Replies: 8
Re: Flying with Dog to STT

Alana, it was just for my pet I believe. But United and AA quoted me $200-300 to fly a pet in cargo. It just has to be under 85 degrees. I called...

10 years ago
Re: Apt/Car/Moped?/Bike Wanted (STX)

Thanks for the tip! Will do

10 years ago
Re: Flying with Dog to STT

I just wanted to stop in and say I had this same issue come up today. United told me today that they will not ship my dog to St. Croix. A pet reloca...

10 years ago
Re: Moving to STX - Should I buy a car or ship my own?

I'm sorry - I didn't mean to step on any toes. I felt like the ads that responded to my inquiry on Craigslist were scams because the responses I've r...

10 years ago
Re: 3 bedroom 2 bath mobile home for rent stx

How close/far is that to the Superior Courthouse in Kingshill? Bills included? Dogs allowed?

10 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1078
Re: Just got job in St Croix.. need car/apt! Help!

She is a Doberman Shepard. I did not realize that - that information was not on the airline's website. I will call tomorrow and get more information...

10 years ago
Re: Moving to St. Croix car/apt questions!

Hey. I don't know if you have everything figured out yet, but I wanted you to know that I am in the same position as you. I am moving in 1 month. I...

10 years ago
Re: 10 days!

I'm moving to St Croix in a few weeks! You wouldn't happen to need a roommate, would you? 🙂

10 years ago
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