Reputable Member
Joined: May 9, 2007 1:53 am
Topics: 40 / Replies: 437
Re: Yacht Anchored at Buck

We anchor overnight at Buck alot. Never had a problem with Rangers. They have walked the beach with their red flashlights. They come in at 6:30 a....

15 years ago
Re: Recycling Plastic water bottles?

That glass crusher is still in its crate on St. John. There are too many parts to get it to where we want it as a glass pulverizer. It was bought wi...

15 years ago
Re: Recycling Plastic water bottles?

Money! Right now RAVI (Recycling Association of the VI) St. Croix is working on grant money to get a bailer as well as a glass pulverizer for the Boy...

15 years ago
Re: last minute airline tickets

I use Sidestep which is like Kayak. It searches Orbitz, Cheaptickets, Travelocity.....all of them and the airlines. When you see the cheapest flight ...

15 years ago
Re: HGTV on St. Croix

Thanks for posting pirategirl. Have you moved here or was this an investment?

15 years ago
Re: sprint vs at&t

I have friends with Sprint phones that have been cloned. Haven't heard anyone with AT& T getting cloned. Edited to say the phones have been clon...

15 years ago
Re: My department of Labor experience

The person they gave your case to had to go to lunch. TOP PRIORTY! I went there a couple yars ago and the person at the front desk seemed more cari...

15 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

If anyone is into fresh donuts, they will start making thme at Golden Rail. I tried one since they were asking us our opinions on how they tasted sin...

15 years ago
Re: Today we were robbed

OMG! So glad it was not an armed person. Thumbs up on the GPS thing. I giggle at the thought. keep us informed. Marlene

15 years ago
Re: Termite Swarms After Saturday Night Storm

We were in Coral BAy hiding out the storm and tried to watch a video on the back of the boat. We stopped watching it cuz they kept going into my hair...

15 years ago
Re: Moving sailboat to USVI

I went to search and typed in mooring STT This message board came up with answers to your question

15 years ago
Re: tropical weather time

I love that site Stormpulse! Thanks HBIC

15 years ago
Re: Hope this brings some laughter

Just had a good laugh through the office on this. Thanks

15 years ago
Re: pickled greek robbery

If a crime is within 100 feet of a public school, feds are brought in

15 years ago
Re: pickled greek robbery

Isn't this restaurant near an elementary school? (within 100 feet)....hmmmm

15 years ago
Re: impact weather

Some people pm so the conversation can be kept quiet....

15 years ago
Re: pickled greek robbery

Scary. Can't figure out why these guys carry a gun when they don't know how to shoot...

15 years ago
Re: Winding Down Summer

It was very busy at the beach yesterday. I went diving and there were so many people in the water. When we came back we kept getting waved to by peo...

15 years ago
Re: Playing with the new iPhone

Thanks for the ride. I was getting done from diving when you flew over at Cane Bay. The sail boat was just behind me.

15 years ago
Re: It's dark here

Me too. I kept looking and saw channel 58 but it wasn't up yet when I finally found it.

15 years ago
15 years ago
Re: It's dark here

Off again .:(

15 years ago
Re: It's dark here

Came back on 5 minutes ago

15 years ago
Re: Freecycle

Hi Leticia. I am the moderator of the Freecycle site for St Croix

15 years ago
15 years ago
Replies: 8
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