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Joined: July 19, 2007 5:57 pm
Topics: 17 / Replies: 174
Re: Our (Petty) Theft Encounter at Rainbow Beach

The Sh*ts will take anything, I was at Reef beach once and left car open as there was nothing in it except a roll of paper towels and didn't want it b...

6 years ago
Re: Another Murder at a Popular STX Eatery

I'm no gun nut but at some point the people need to be able to defend themselves if the powers that be are unable to or refuse to.

6 years ago
10 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 945
10 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 3344
10 years ago
Re: shipping a car..I know its been gone over.

So far VI Cargo has been the best price but I do need to get it to Miami. Thought I checked TOL but I'll double check. Thanks.

10 years ago
Replies: 8
Views: 1497
Re: pottery barn

Is here STT or STJ or STX? thx

11 years ago
Replies: 6
Views: 6484
Re: STXes newest Super Resort!

Well, that was def not the most tactful or PC thing to say but it is worth noting that if people really do think that to be true, true or not it is a ...

12 years ago
Re: Ride Along As This BMW M3 Dives Straight Off A Cliff

hey I think the passenger door might still be good.

12 years ago
Re: Entertainment industry asking Congress to make it legal for them to put viruses on your computer

They can do this without congress just by making it part of the app and put it in the agreement form that no one reads and when you hit "agree" there ...

12 years ago
Re: Food Town STX

i always liked foodtown.

12 years ago
Re: Legalized Prostitution

The problem with legal prostitution is not the moral or tax problems, it is that whatever legal boundaries are placed before people they tend to push ...

12 years ago
Re: Tourist killed and shooting at the Ritz?

Really? "outlaw" scooters? How about you just need a motorcycle license or have to take a more in depth course like you do to go on your first dive. O...

12 years ago
Re: 2bed 1.5bath The REEF for rent $900/mo.

Since it is a 1.5 bath. I think that is one of the 1 bedrooms made into a two. The larger 2 bedrooms are 2 full baths and three floors. Nice place eit...

12 years ago
Re: Got Car Jacked

Perhaps if all the businesses on the boardwalk got together they could hire private patrols. Although those seem to be made up of off duty cops usuall...

12 years ago
Re: What do the USVI's need?

Private police force?

12 years ago
Re: Is it time for knife control?

OK, so LF the gov. does track the sales of potentially harmful items like fertilizer, and if you think they haven't thwarted actions that we don't eve...

12 years ago
Re: Is it time for knife control?

Have to think if he had a gun things would have beem much worse.

12 years ago
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