Reputable Member
Joined: February 23, 2012 1:05 pm
Topics: 5 / Replies: 270
Re: Amazing Video!

If you see "beratement" in any way, shape or form then you surely must be seeing something quite invisible to the majority! That's because you...

12 years ago
Re: Amazing Video!

Very funny. Not sure how it relates to moving to and living in the USVI though ... Your beratement of other board members when ever you feel ...

12 years ago
Re: Transmission STT

If I remember correctly CAM tried to get some one to falsify a federal tax document because they didn't want to pay the taxes on the tool box shipment...

12 years ago
Re: Transmission STT

That's why anything more than a oil change is a joke here. Well obviously that's not the case when, as Alana and others have noted, many of us ha...

12 years ago
Re: Transmission STT

I know of a couple of top notch techs that were jerked around by Caribbean Auto Mart and an independent shop. This is one of the reasons we have to de...

12 years ago
Re: Tourist killed and shooting at the Ritz?

Really? "outlaw" scooters? How about you just need a motorcycle license or have to take a more in depth course like you do to go on your first dive. O...

12 years ago
Re: Lights on the boardwalk

Such a beaming ray of optimism to start off the day with! Sounds good, I'll take a look later on after nightfall! Nothing like some good ...

12 years ago
Re: Proposed farm filming ban ignites debate in Pa.

But you can still commit murder in the V.I. and get away with it. Go figure.:S

12 years ago
Re: Parasailing Death

Message Removed. Please revisit board rules.

12 years ago
Re: Parasailing Death

According to the article cited, strong winds and faulty equipment were the cause of this accident. They do not mention drugs. Do you have more/diffe...

12 years ago
Re: Myth the majority of the founding fathers were atheist

Andrew Jackson was only 9 years old when the Declaration of Independence was signed. Doesn't really matter where he was from regarding this topic, His...

12 years ago
Re: Pre-Move Visit

OMG, there is crime here? I had no idea. I guess it'll help keep the prices down. Nice attitude.

12 years ago
Re: Spearfishing/diving on STX or STT

You can't eat lion fish caught on the southside of STT. Some kind of bacteria not found on the north side. Don't remember exactly what it is.

12 years ago
Re: Drone Strikes

Google the DVD titled In Plane Sight. Get a copy and be perpared to be really pissed off.

12 years ago
Re: what up with car hunters ??

There are codes for small and large evap system leaking. There is no lighted sign on the car that points with an arrow saying the leak is right here. ...

12 years ago
Re: what up with car hunters ??

That's because their scanner costs about 12k. They're not there to tell you what's wrong for free. Any car built after 1996 stes the C.E.L. if the gas...

12 years ago
Re: what up with car hunters ??

I mentioned the scanner because many places do charge for diagnostics. The "Check Engine" light on my wife's car came on a few years ago. We took it t...

12 years ago
Re: what up with car hunters ??

Buy an OBD2 scanner. Many are under $100. Diagnose your own problems. /blockquote> Then you can buy service manuals with electrical diagrams,...

12 years ago
Re: wapa should go nuclear

LF stated some bonehead goes around eating plutonium to demonstrate it's safety. If that's the case we could all eat it and glow in the dark thus savi...

12 years ago
Re: wapa should go nuclear

I heard there is one spotted owl fish swimming off Hovensa and Lucifer doesn't want it to die when the water temp goes from 72 to 73 degrees. It is be...

12 years ago
Re: wapa should go nuclear

I doubt this would ever happen because of the potential environmental impact. The water needed to cool the reactor would be discharged into the Caribb...

12 years ago
Re: wapa should go nuclear

I doubt this would ever happen because of the potential environmental impact. The water needed to cool the reactor would be discharged into the caribb...

12 years ago
Re: Since we are talking about government aid, what about...

Correct me if I'm wrong (talk about a slippery slope) most of the problems revolve around Israel and our involvement. Nope. We didn't start 2 wa...

12 years ago
Re: Since we are talking about government aid, what about...

Correct me if I'm wrong (talk about a slippery slope) most of the problems revolve around Israel and our involvement. Nope. We didn't start 2 wa...

12 years ago
Re: Since we are talking about government aid, what about...

Correct me if I'm wrong (talk about a slippery slope) most of the problems revolve around Israel and our involvement. Nope. We didn't start 2 wa...

12 years ago
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