We shipped through SeaStar shipping. Shipped 1 40' container with all our household goods and a vehicle inside. Best option if shipping goods and a ...
I've not personally been in the concrete housing since the shut down. Just knew someone who had been in one afterwards and that was his observation. ...
Where are they? Last time I drove by you can see the concrete slabs where a few of my friends lived at Hovensa. Here is a current satellite image of...
I love how it list 122 housing units will be transferred to the USGVI. At least 71 of those housing units have been destroyed and removed (trailers),...
If you believe that then good for you. There are a lot of if's to that claim. What's for certain in the agreement are the procedures for demolition ...
Any deal that doesn't include an operating refinery is not in the long term interest of the territory. We have to look long term. If there were any ...
What did the Judge do about the motion filed to seal the agreement and keep it from public view? I hope it will become public.
A little more info here.
Docket #345 shows that the court will meet again on December 17th to continue the discussion. The agenda for that date has not been released yet. Th...
Actually here is a much simpler explanation of "cradle to the grave responsibility" and "long tail liability."
From my understanding environmental liabilities cannot be removed by bankruptcy. The following will shed some light on the subject but is still not e...
True! I just want to see jobs return to this island. We will see what happens
What none of these dockets has talked about that will come up today is the environmental liability. The EPA is listed as one of the interested partie...
Monarch's bid looks to be on Docket # 299.
Price drop to $5600. Needing to sell quickly.
I had a typo on the mileage. The mileage is actually 37000 and I am the second owner. I can provide a reference to the original owner if needed.
Robert Quinn is great and been here a long time. PM me and I'll give you his contact info.
We use HealthCare International without any issues. We're US citizens and we get one month covered in the States for travel. They separate the USVI ...
I would say the theater has really improved in STX in the past year. On Tuesday's it's only $5 per ticket and you can get a large soda and popcorn fo...
The Vehicle is sold. Thanks
Sale Pending, awaiting payment