A new possibility - If someone wants to rent beginning sometime in September thru mid-December, we have someone who wants our apartment as of m...
Thanks folks for so much information. Much more than hoped for! Just found out our long term tenant contentedly taking excellent care of our up...
We love Sunset Grill and Beachside Cafe dinners for the semi-outdoor dining, gorgeous sunsets, lullaby of ocean waves within a stone's throw, and ofte...
We discovered a couple additional factors. Without heating costs and with very low real estate taxes, it is less costly for an owner to hold out, wait...
If you are considering homeschooling, you might be interested in the curriculum that is offered on-line by the internet charter school at www.k12.com....
I have in-laws who just enrolled their three children in an on-line charter school, ages 12 to 8 years old. My sister-in-law has been home-schooling t...
You might consider that St Croix is the most rural and largest of the USVI islands. You might find it useful to see what the owners have done with M...
If you want to save lots of money by doing your own cooking, consider these two, both in the same neighborhood at or near Dorsch Beach and the Sandy P...
Lindsay - They have an extensive website at www.caribbeancottages.com Here's the contact info... given the irregularities of STX communications...
My two cents, and you may further discount it since so far we are "only" yearly visitors. Since people are both so similar and so different all a...
You apparently have contact info for Sand Castles. Cottages by the Sea is right beside them and a bit less expensive, less polished, less ameniti...
Better to get advice from folks who llive fulltime on the island. We are snowbirds for many years who looked for four years before buying a property ...
I am also interested in public WiFi areas, especially in or near Frederiksted, that I can use until we establish our own internet connection. I was pl...
To combine dinner with sunset setting and live jazz, on a deck at the beach, check the schedule at Beachside Cafe (upscale but not too expensive)... m...
For a "very" local vegetarian meal (only one large table at the rear of a small local health food store), you can try Sica's restaurant in Frederikste...
Any opinions or advice from the local STX gardeners on this? Pros or cons? We are thinking of starting a bougainvillea hedge around our newly acq...
A few years ago, I traveled in Chile, Peru and Dominican Republic. Each trip I consulted a travel doctor to take whatever advance shots were recommend...
Here's a cautionary tale about bringing furnishings by plane. In mid-August I flew to STX and tried to bring some folding chairs, household line...
I add to the recommendation list the Beachside Cafe, just south of Frederiksted in the SandCastles on the Beach setting, which sometimes has live jazz...
I am sorry about the bad experiences with crime and with the disappointing performance by the police. Having your personal space and possessions viola...