Last seen: February 10, 2019 2:59 pm
Depends on your appliances and how you heat water. An electric dryer is a big user. We have an electric dryer, washer, stove, oven, microwave, spl...
Peter Florence Tiling & Masonry 340-642-2261 Haven't talked hiim in over a year so hopefully the number is still good. Jim
I will PM you a name and number. He did great work for me. Jim
My neighbor has an exotic Porsche. Every six weeks or so the other Porsche owners on STX chip in and fly a mechanic in from St. Martin for a day to s...
There is also another rental place on Hess Rd. Jim
All phones in a family plan have to have the same area code. If you are going to add two phone why not start a new family plan with the local 340...
You need to read in detail what your association's policy covers and understand how the deductibles will be applied. You also will need to review you...
One of the reasons cars cost more in the VI is the dealer also has to pay the extra shipping to get the car here also. You are going to pay for shipp...
If you buy the car in Illinois purchase it just before you leave Illinois. Have them give you in transit tags so you don't have to pay sales tax in I...
It all depends on how easy it is to build on your lot. If it is steep with lots of hard rock and your plan requires two or three cuts your site prep...
Ours is still out and the women is clueless, but do you expect from an answering service. Jim
Dashi is the place to go, Jim
The STX Yacht Club or the Divi on the East End. Cheeseburgers has an antennae out front so maybe there also. Jim
Having spent a day on Water Island recently I'm surprised that no one mentions this island as a possibility for relocation. For certain people it cou...
What ever you do do not take them to a transfer station and throw them in a dumpster. The fine is $1,000. Call H&H tire and see what they recommend...
The Reef charges $0.04 per gallon for water from the RO plant plus an additional $0.025 per gallon for sewage. The average daily consumption per pers...
I booked reservations both last week and the week before. Noroblems with the web site. Jim
The 11 passenger vans get around just fine. There are also some Hummers. Jim
There is a regular cargo barge that runs between STT and STX a few times a week. I have heard they charge $250 for a truck. If someone can't come up...
Castle Glass in Castle Coakley. Jim
Across the street from the main Royal Jewelers and the arcade. Just down the street from the parking lot. Jim
Many of the retirees I know here are doing fine and most of them don't work. The ones that do work our often on the boards of businesses they used t...
When I had Blue Cross it worked fine here. Everything will be out of network though. Jim
I have also had good luck with Ryobi. My hammer drill, circular saw and flashlight have worked fine for over three years. The chainsaw is almost u...
FYI: Airlines often charge $100 to check a bike. With cheap fares they need to make money any way they can. Jim