Last seen: February 10, 2019 2:59 pm
There used to be a scooter rental concession at the Diva Resort, but I haven't seen any of their scooters on the road recently. Jim
I own property on St Croix. We considered the BVI, but it is to much of a hassle not just for real estate, but day to day living. If you want t...
You jusc can't buy real estate in the BVI unless you are a belonger. If you are not a belonger you will have to get approval from the legislature to ...
American Eagle doesn't care. If you try and press them they just walk away. One of our visitors had Platinum status with AA. In San Juan they t...
If it is weather related they probably won't pay for your hotel. Twice last season we had friends get stuck in PR because of stateside weather delays...
There is one near the Schooner Bay Market next to Pizza Mare. The place is dreary but close to your location. With the cost of utilities laundromats...
Look at Delta from Atlanta. Jim
You really need to make the trip to the DMV. If you leave it up to the buyer who knows when it will get done and until it does you are still liable ...
They now have both. The advantage is they now can fly after dark. Jim
Seaborne is also now flying airport to airport. STT, STX and SJU. Jim
If you are a veteran and can produce your DD214 you can get a few hundred dollar exemption on your property taxes. I guess that qualifies as helping ...
AT&T started selling 3G I-phones in the USVI within the past couple of weeks. Jim
His explanation is much the same as mine. Your candidate can't win if you don't vote for him. His explanation assumes you and your twenty frien...
I don't believe that is correct. The top seven vote getters on each island will be elected. It would work if you had seven votes and you could giv...
Water will be more if you don't have a cistern and enough rain. Figure $0.04 a gallon plus delivery. Unless you live in town no city utilities. ...
The fare on scheduled airlines run about $2 per mile each way. I flew STX to STT this week and the ticket was $168. If you fly STX to San Juan o...
The traffic on STT drives me crazy. Was visiting STT yesterday and it took 40 minutes to get from the TuTu Park area to the airport. This was at 6 ...
At&T will not have 3G networks in the USVI until the end of 2008. Even then on STJ I do0n't know what you will get. Jim
Innovative hasn't even bothered to pick their wires up and clear the road. I'm waiting for someone who get careless on a motorcycle or bike to fall ...
If you have a nationwide plan you can call everywhere for no additional charges, US mainland, PR, Alaska, Hawaii, Marshall Islands, Guam. Jim
They are batteries designed to jump start an automobile or boat engine. One battery is rated 300Ah. the other is rated 400Ah. Jim
I spoke with some people this evening that had dinner there earlier this week. One of the big problems is getting propane delivered. Big demand...
While deep cycle batteries can tolerate being 80% discharged it is strongly recommended that you limit your discharge to 50%. Therefore you will ...
You can also call Guam and the Marshall Islands. Nothing make you feel you are getting your money's worth like a 12,000 mile call to Guam. Jim
A grid tied inverter in the standard and simplest form only delivers power when the grid is hot. If you want to use solar as standby power when the ...