Last seen: February 10, 2019 2:59 pm
Do the math. A part time snow bird uses their service for 2 -6 months then turns it off until next season. Full time residents pay for 12 months pe...
When you dial 1 to make a long distance call this is the carrier that your call will be routed on automatically. When you sign up for service with In...
For your PIC choices I think your only options are either Innovative or AT&T. Jim
I would be interested in crewing. Live on STX, have some sailing experience, but have never raced. Jim
Be sure to do it in writing so it will be less likely the PSC will try and treat it as an informal complaint. Push the PSC to open it as a docket it...
There seem to be some issues lately. The network has been down a couple of times today. I don't know if it is related to the 3G conversion or not. ...
Are you taking their seaplane service or their new service which flies from airport to airport? If you are taking the seaplane it leaves from the w...
I had to call and write them several times. My cable was out for forty one days. When they posted a credit it was for less than a month's service. ...
It is still on the island. Parked across the street from Public Works. Jim
That is probably the cost for shipping on Tropical or other ocean carrier. I had a quote of $6K to ship a 17' boat on a trailer on a trailer from NJ ...
The roads going back to and around Green Cay Marina, The Deep End, etc. With the speed bumps and brush free roads it is a good place to run/walk. ...
A couple of the operators out of Christiansted lost their boats as a result of Omar. Jim
BroadbandVI and Choice also offer wireless internet service that would work fine on a boat. The STX Yacht Club also has a wireless access point ...
Also check the butcher shop agt Analy Farms in upper love. In addition to Senapole beef they sell cuts from other types of cattle. All cut to order...
Stateside merchants are just to provincial. Yesterday I had to order some parts that I could only get from a small German company. Not only did they...
The tours are normally only given on Tuesday when the telescope is off line for maintenance. They ask that you call and schedule a tour in advance. ...
The easy part on STX is building something. The tough part is getting all the permits. The developer of this project has spent over two years and...
Schedule the Cruzan Rum tour with another activity in that part of the island. It only takes 30 -45 minutes from the time you arrive until you are si...
If the Cape Air flight isn't to full just ask the pilot. If you don't look like a crazy that will fight him for the controls and your body weight is...
According to the University of the Virgin Islands, the USVI has the highest per capita ownership of generators. Something like one third the househo...
Actually I thought there were more trash cans than usual. They did seem to be full by 8PM. Jim
Why don't you concentrate on finding out what your problem is instead of trashing Broadband VI. The consensus of most everyone that replied to your ...
Just North West of downtown Christiansted, across from the health department (old hospital). Yellow building with blue trim. If you are coming from...
Works fine for me. Often have to download 10 - 20 mb files and my average speed is usually 600 kbs. Jim
The meter base is not WAPA's responsibility. They bring the power to your weather head. From there on, the wiring including the meter base is the ho...