Jim Dandy
Noble Member
Joined: March 3, 2005 3:30 am
Last seen: February 10, 2019 2:59 pm
Topics: 20 / Replies: 1037
Re: Hola from Panama

Boquete is the area where you find one of the highest concentration of expats in Panama. Some say as many as 30,000 - 40,000 in the area primarily f...

7 years ago
Re: Hola from Panama

While medicare won't cover you for more than 60 days outside the USA medical care is much less expensive in Panama. We found we could purchase medi...

7 years ago
Re: Building a new home

There are many small things you can do that will help you survive and minimize damage. If you have storm shutters inspect and replace if necessar...

7 years ago
Re: Moving away question

Panama is a great place. People are hard working and friendly, you can hire a live in maid for $300 a month. A gardener was getting $8 a day a few...

7 years ago
Re: Virgin Islands Restaurant Guides - What's Open, Closed & Rebuilding!

Earlier this week I heard that they are still waiting for an insurance adjuster to look at Duggans.

7 years ago
Re: Finally some news!

There were some pictures of Frederiksted. Looks like they got quite a bit of storm surge. The housing project with all the yellow buildings facing ...

8 years ago
Re: Shipping bathtub to st thomas?

Contact a Home Depot or Lowes in Florida. Find a store that is near the dock/depot for either VI Cargo or other freight forwarder. The stores in ...

8 years ago
Re: Pretty good article on the VI economic/debt situation in the NYT business section today

Probably not a lot. 1. Venezuela the 50% partner in the joint venture and the source of the oil was going broke and could not afford to cut pri...

8 years ago
Re: Actual cost to ship boxes of household goods to STX

Keep in mind you may have to pay duties on the value of the items shipped by ocean freight. While you are also supposed to voluntarily report and...

8 years ago
8 years ago
Re: triathlon

This year will be the 29th year.

8 years ago
Re: No World Series on Dish?Anyone know why?

It past years the reason has been is that when Fox buys the rights for the WS and playoff baseball they only buy the rights for the 50 US states. ...

8 years ago
Re: VI more in debt than PR per capita

I don't believe the census is correct based on my experience in STX. Due to difficulties in paying the enumerators, the long form required in the...

9 years ago
Re: what's up with the Catch-22 with getting car insurance to clear Customs without an address on USVI? Not USAA

Not just rental cars, but if you visit family or friends and borrow a car you have no insurance. USAA is the exception to this catch 22. They co...

9 years ago
Re: what's up with the Catch-22 with getting car insurance to clear Customs without an address on USVI? Not USAA

Also remember that when you get auto insurance in the USVI it won't cover you in the 50 states unless you buy additional coverage.

9 years ago

Innovative as part of their rebuild deployed their own fiber so they have little or no need to utilize VINGN. BBVI uses radios for their backbone...

9 years ago
Re: Passport photo

Just buy some photo paper for your printer. I used an ink jet printer and had no objections from the pass port office. Just make sure you read t...

9 years ago
Re: Land line, Majic Jack, any other ideas?

Purchase a MicroCell from AT&T if you have an Internet connection. Gives you the equivalent of your own cell tower inside your unit. They wo...

9 years ago
Re: Gun permit/ concealed?

Well I did take the Florida G license course which automatically qualifies you for a CCW. The G course covers firearms safety in depth along with Flor...

10 years ago
Re: Gun permit/ concealed?

I took the class in Florida last summer. The class lasted two hours and involved firing one shot at a target to demonstrate that you at least knew wh...

10 years ago
Re: Cell coverage??

I have a Garmin GPS and always programmed key locations for our guests. It worked well for them and then they could concentrate on driving on the le...

10 years ago

Several states running exchanges are having problems. With the recent Supreme Court decision the speculation is that they will fold their exchanges a...

10 years ago
Re: Odd question maybe? Pool pump cost?

If you are just looking for a ballpark number, and are willing to make a few general but reasonable, assumptions, you can assume an average pool pump ...

10 years ago
Re: Thank you WAPA for reminding me of holidays

One good thing about having a Samsung phone is I am able to take the battery out and place it in a separate charger. I usually have three batteries c...

10 years ago
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