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Joined: March 29, 2006 4:22 pm
Topics: 7 / Replies: 130
Re: Wapa outage 6/15

Lightning strike on STX knocked our power off shortly after midnight last night. Power was finally restored just before 3pm.

14 years ago
Re: Gas Prices-Why in Mainland Dropping -but Still Going Up On St Croix

All of those fees apply in the Upper 48 (except the WAPA price) where gas averages $3.90/gallon and is headed down.

14 years ago
Re: Mr dollar jingle

And don't forget.......................Sun Self-Storage......

14 years ago
Re: Thank You Ironman!

If they would just alter the route for the triathalon every year -- the way the Tour de France changes its route -- we could get the whole island re-p...

14 years ago
Re: 10 % gas discount for Veterans At Roadrunner Gas Station In La Grande Princess

Those of us who are veterans ... but not retirees ... have no "veteran's" ID card. Will they expect to see our DD-214?

14 years ago
Re: Late night Earthquake

I was sitting on my gallery reading and didn't feel a thing. [Judith's Fancy / STX] I guess my wife's right -- I'm insensitive!

14 years ago
Re: "Rediscovering Alexander Hamilton" on PBS

Oh, YES. I've really missed PBS since we got our dish. We didn't even know it was an option. Now we have it again. Thanks, Bob!

14 years ago
Re: Camera Repair St. Croix

In this day when electronics are considerably more intricate than in the past and are usually cheaper to replace than repair, I fear the neighborhood ...

14 years ago
Re: Taxi to STX airport

Gonna miss diving with you, Edward. Best of luck.

14 years ago
Re: any whale reports?

Saw lots of whales and heard whale song while scuba diving -- off the Kona coast of the Big Island of Hawaii............. be home Friday to see the ...

14 years ago
Re: No more network TV in HD from Dish?

It was awfully nice of Sobongo to call several of you to let you know you were losing your HD network feeds. I received no call, and turned to channe...

14 years ago
Re: Flashig Head lights

VT -- Welcome, and well done! To those who doubt that it can be done, I got out of BMV in under an hour when I registered both my cars for the first ...

14 years ago
Re: Cuzun Rum

My mom buys Cruzan Mango Rum in the 1/2 gallon bottle in FL. Yes, it's available in the "upper 48" in sizes that aren't available here on STX, becaus...

14 years ago
Re: I need a map or some directions Please

It sounds like you're at Club St Croix on condo row. That's not a factory -- it's our power plant (WAPA). Go out to the front road and turn left. T...

14 years ago
14 years ago
Replies: 2
Views: 1620
Re: Edward?

Glad to hear everything went well -- now get to work on the rehab; I'm looking forward to diving with you again soon. Best wishes

14 years ago
Re: Road conditions n STT-STJ vs STX

We get gas on STX at wholesale prices; we have (roughly) 40 cents/gallon less tax than they have in the upper 48; then how come our gas is as expensiv...

14 years ago
Re: What's going on with AT&T? - no service

WOW! I just turned off 3G and went almost instantly from one scrawny, little bar to five bars!

14 years ago
Re: Dive Shops?

You can't go wrong with any of the local dive shops. They have their own styles, and their prices are different, but each is good. SCUBA and Dive E...

14 years ago
Re: Questions from Customs and Border Protection officers

.....and by that time, you'll have missed your flight.

14 years ago

We had terrible service from our "local" BMW dealer in FL. There were several leaks in the car -- leaking on the driver's leg -- but the dealer said ...

14 years ago
Re: VA clinics on STT and STX

I have to take issue with the idea that the VA is for veterans. As I see it, it's only for military retirees and those with service-connected disabil...

14 years ago
Re: US Banks Charging Foreign Currency Fees

"Membership" in USAA (which is a co-op) is limited to active military, honorably discharged veterans and the spouses and children of USAA Members. On...

14 years ago
Re: US Banks Charging Foreign Currency Fees

If you qualify for USAA (current / former military or a couple of other federal commissioned positions), USAA doesn't charge YOU if you use an "out of...

14 years ago
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