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Joined: July 18, 2011 5:33 pm
Topics: 20 / Replies: 379
Re: DC area still w/o electricity

For whatever it is, my friends in Nassau are still without power almost 5 days after Irene crossed.

14 years ago
Re: Late Night Muggings at Gov't Lot in C'Sted

Why does it seem to be lost on authorities that this is the "government lot." I mean, come on. IMO, it's like someone robbing people outside a federal...

14 years ago
Re: Moving to VI

Hiya, cut her some slack. Her OP is some six weeks old. I am sure she has been reading this board like a book. For OP, just refer to 'statesiders' or ...

14 years ago
Re: Living in USVI while working for US company

I don't see what the difference between you living in Philly, working in NYC (albeit remotely) and/or you living in USVI and working in any mainland s...

14 years ago
Re: Need some hurricane advice from experienced people.

remember, shelters do not allow pets Not true in the states. Almost every jurisdiction has pet-friendly shelters, including on the outer banks of...

14 years ago
Re: Sex offenders Moving to USVI

This was NOT my quote. This was OPs quote. Please try to quote properly. I have no opinion about OPs predicament. Was just trying to provide additiona...

14 years ago
Re: Sex offenders Moving to USVI

If it's not a minor offense (which would be suggested by his sentence), are you certain he will be allowed to leave the state once he is released? Eve...

14 years ago
Re: 2 mo's living on STX has taught me...

So awesome! (tu) We'll be there for good in a little over a month. Sure there have been moments of anxiety and unease, but your post made my day!!! (E...

14 years ago
Re: Direct flights to STX!!!>>>???

Does anyone have any experience trying to go private with a pet on an 'empty leg' from MIA or SJU? I know it's not cheap, and the legs are hard to fin...

14 years ago
Re: whats the story with this house?

Lizard: I hear you, but when I contacted a seller agent about one property I was interested in, that agent assumed that I wanted that agent to re...

14 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 791
Re: whats the story with this house?

AGAIN this poses the same question that has been posted on this forum.HOW CAN YOU BE A "BUYERS AGENT" AND SELL PROPERTY AT THE SAME TIME???? seems li...

14 years ago
Re: Realtor Appreciation thread!

in the 8 years we have lived on stx we have dealt with 2 different real estate agents and companies.in the past 18months we have sold a condo and boug...

14 years ago
Re: San Juan

I like the Conrad.

14 years ago
Re: Bring handgun or sell it -> STX

So, I gather it has to go dealer-to-dealer? If someone could provide the number, that would be great.

14 years ago
Replies: 7
Views: 1615

That said, as someone who WILL be relocating to STX in the next two months and without relying (completely) on answers from a message board, I would o...

14 years ago

This thread is a bit absurd. That said, as someone who WILL be relocating to STX in the next two months and without relying (completely) on answe...

14 years ago
Re: individual health insurance

For business owners, I noticed that the St Croix Chamber offers a group plan. Any one have experience with this?

14 years ago
Re: Vehicle Import Agent

Quick question ... Shipping a car from Miami to STX. Somehow I got it in my head that we could put some personal goods in the trunk. But VI Cargo...

14 years ago
Re: Salud Closed?

The last time I checked, their MLS listing is showing as "pending," which I believe means they have a contract. I had heard it's someone on the curren...

14 years ago
Re: WAPA Water Rates

Thanks Bombi. The Source article says the 9.87 is the LEAC. Is there an additional per-gallon charge for the actual commodity as there is for power?

14 years ago
14 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1684
Re: Here is the YouTube video! "Born This Way"

Long time lurker, decided to post to say this video is AWESOME! Moving to STX in September. Great to see a positive message that I can share with fami...

14 years ago
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