Reputable Member
Joined: July 18, 2011 5:33 pm
Topics: 20 / Replies: 379
Re: We're Here....

Reminder: health card before you go to restaurants/bars applying for jobs! Oh, and I should add that while the lab takes cash only, surprisingly,...

13 years ago
Re: Wanted: Private residence for long term rental

Oh, sorry. I think I misread this. You're already on island and looking for something permanent. I am sending you a PM with a thought.

13 years ago
Re: Wanted: Private residence for long term rental

Villa Madeline is great but one issue I think you'll have there is that, I believe, Villa Madeline is almost completely booked for the holidays. Coakl...

13 years ago
Re: Is this a good idea? STX question

Bob n' Karen, Where do you park? Thanks. jb

13 years ago
Re: We're Here....

Oh yeah, I forgot one best piece of advice we received: Don't forget to go to the beach!!! And, I would add, do Buck Island (or make plans to) before ...

13 years ago
Re: Queens Quarter Villas

This is the one north of the hospital, right? Where Reminisce is? If so, I was chatting with someone who lives there and he told me consensus is that ...

13 years ago
Re: Commercial Printing? - STX

Yikes! Thanks for the warning, everyone. Their own site says 14 days. Wish I would have known and would have had them sent to VI Cargo. Oh well. For t...

13 years ago
Re: Online banking in STX?

There is a second BoSTX branch in Peters Rest, near Sunny Isle.

13 years ago
Re: So many questions/ moving to StX

The shelter here is great. Well run. Lots of wonderful programs. But, they do have a lot of challenges and could really use your help.

13 years ago
Re: Online banking in STX?

Search. There are a lot of threads on this. Get used to the culture shock. I've written more checks since I got here than anytime in my life. The...

13 years ago
Re: We're Here....

Take it SLOW. That's what we did and it worked really well. You did a great job your first day. Understand that simply running errands is an accomplis...

13 years ago
Re: Shout Out to The Avis _ Tom Eader

How about we simplify the process. Pass legislation that in order to run for public office you need to be able to produce a tax-clearance letter. ...

13 years ago
Re: UVI Student - with questions!!!

East Ender is right. Your best 'contact' is this site, because everyone's experience is different and you get to read about all sides. Read every page...

13 years ago
Re: Commercial Printing? - STX

Neil, I get it. I have established relationships with a number of local businesses that are vital to my business and I will reach out to local printer...

13 years ago
Re: Commercial Printing? - STX

Thanks for the recommendations. I called everyone on the island. Prices ranged from 300 to 400-percent higher than Vistaprint, including shipping.

13 years ago
Re: Shout Out to The Avis _ Tom Eader

Look, anyone who incites looting and commits filicide is a strange choice as an elected official. Now, East Ender, try not to bring common sense ...

13 years ago
Replies: 10
Views: 2099
Replies: 9
Views: 1757
Re: another gallows bay shooting?

This happened early Monday AM.

13 years ago
Re: Using a motorized scooter/moped on STX

I suspect those orange marks were made by the PD as part of the investigation, but I, too, did chuckle when I saw them.

13 years ago

Ok, back with my review of Siri. No, I didn't get her to write the review, but if she knew how to type into this box, she could nail it. (Yes, I could...

13 years ago
Re: Ballpark shooting

Sally, Yes, exactly.

13 years ago
Re: Ballpark shooting

In my limited observation, there is a prolonged and deep sense amongst the population that the thought there is a 'positive payback' of becoming invol...

13 years ago
Re: Virgin Islanders who love animals and support our shelter. Please help!

Thank YOU, limetime2, for bringing this to our attention!

13 years ago
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