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Joined: December 27, 2014 10:19 pm
Last seen: February 1, 2022 8:30 pm
Topics: 0 / Replies: 85
RE: Buying vs Building

Your options are much more limited than you think. Anywhere west of the oil refinery all the way to Sandy Point is a non-starter for obvious reasons....

4 years ago
RE: Internet performance in St Croix

You cannot rely on any single internet service provider. And depending on where you are (ex. eastend of STX), BBVI is horribly over-subscribed and ne...

6 years ago
RE: Rosy Real Estate Market Rises in V.I. Recovery

I wonder how much of this will actually take place now that all the federal disaster funding has a requirement to be paid back? Would they start sel...

6 years ago
RE: Poisonous Frogs

This is one of the cane toads living in my yard on the east end.

6 years ago
Re: Hurricane recovery renters skipping out?

NugBlazer wrote: NO, IT IS NOT! How do you know the landlord's situation? Maybe they have a friend or relative who needs the space. Maybe they'v...

6 years ago
Re: ISO paddle board and paddle, STX

Call Bill Kraft @ Kite St-Croix : (340) 643-5824

6 years ago
Re: Where are the Christmas winds?

And the water is finally starting to calm down... Hopefully we don't see them at all this winter!

6 years ago
Re: Kayaking - STT vs. STX

I kayak out to Buck Island any/every weekend the wind is blowing below 15MPH. On a sit-on-top tandem Ocean kayak, which is similar to a giant slow mo...

7 years ago
Re: More than 90 days with my driver's license/wanted room to rent

I think we are upto 11 scooters now that have been stolen among people I know and have met on the island over the past three years? Not including all...

7 years ago
Re: Duggans

Not for another few weeks -- madeleine (yesterday) There is a LOT of sargassum there at the moment so its not such a bad thing that it will be ...

7 years ago
Re: Interesting read from the Washington Post

There were rumors a few months ago that VI did not have money to pay fed requirements, and when governor was asked about it he insisted there wasn't a...

7 years ago
Re: What's Going On At The Divi?

Hard to fill a casino with no hotel. The only reason the hotel has stayed open this long has been because of the casino license. The beach is now ...

7 years ago
Re: Rust-proofing a car?

When Porsche transports a car across an ocean they spray the chassis, underside, suspension, etc. with cosmoline. And 30 years later the stuff will s...

7 years ago
Re: Ridge 2 Reef Farm

Thanks for asking about the farm. Aren't they the same ones that offered survival training? I definitely want to take that after having been without p...

7 years ago
Re: Used Motor Oil

The bitumen storage money is being used on the baseball stadium in Frederiksted... "Mr. Mapp has proposed $6 million from the proceeds of the Lim...

7 years ago
Re: Is The Casino Open?

From the St-Croix Source Anton Kuipers, Divi general manager, said the casino laid off 144 employees, leaving a staff of 28. Andreas Conhoff, gen...

7 years ago
Re: Off The Wall Reopening!

And unfortunately just down the street "Above the Cliff" has closed for good. All the kitchen equipment was put up for sale this week.

7 years ago
Re: BBVI after Maria

Beeski, The lack of any response from your support group is completely unprofessional. The antenna on my house went through the roof during Mari...

7 years ago
Re: AT&T East End STX Out?

AT&T has an app that you can download for reporting outages called "Mark the Spot" that works great over Broadband.vi (until I lose power and my route...

8 years ago
Re: LOST/STOLEN DOG on 8/7/17

I know of two other cases on STX of dogs having been stolen and then returned after a large reward was posted. Definitely post something to the faceb...

8 years ago
Re: Fishing in STX

Was this recent with the morey? The big green one that used to live under the pier? Yes, this happened in late February/March to the big moray ee...

8 years ago
Re: Fishing in STX

The barracuda was shot by the same group of teenagers that shot the Moray eel, removed it from the water and then used it as a punching bag. Only to ...

8 years ago
Re: Chaise Cushion Replacements

I was just at Sweet Lime and they have orange and green for $150/each.

8 years ago
Re: Property issues

I ... noticed that a back neighbor cleared a substantial amount of vegetation on my property in order for the house to have a clear view to the yacht ...

8 years ago
Re: Moving to St. Thomas, not for the fainthearted.

Insects, dust, mold, mildew, premature corrosion on appliances and failure of electronics seem to be more a symptom of the prevalent construction meth...

8 years ago
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