Honorable Member
Joined: September 29, 2018 7:36 am
Last seen: January 21, 2025 4:26 pm
Topics: 8 / Replies: 526
RE: Your experience with Google Fi

I have an AT&T iPhone from work, based in MA, is it possible for you to get an AT&T phone from the mainland? I’ve been happy with the AT&...

4 years ago
RE: Considering moving from S FL

Yes, this is a must. It’s important to separate reality from imagination, it’s not like a vacation.

4 years ago
RE: New VI Tax on Internet Purchases

I have no issue with Government employees, the issue is, only the private sector generates wealth so the size of the Government (and it’s spending), i...

4 years ago
RE: USVI Vision 2040

While a agree that building another Silicon Valley is absurd if the internet were to be upgraded to fiber optic, which I believe is simply a “last mil...

4 years ago
RE: Considering moving from S FL

While our children are now adults your conclusion is correct, the private schools offer a much better education. The Public School system has a numbe...

4 years ago
RE: Considering moving from S FL

It seems about right for an island of 50K people. We’re long-time seasonal residents of Martha’s Vineyard and the amenities on St. Croix are much bet...

4 years ago
RE: Considering moving from S FL

The electric grid is poor so outages are frequent. Many people have back-up systems, generators or solar systems (often with batteries). As long as ...

4 years ago
RE: New VI Tax on Internet Purchases

I agree property taxes here are ridiculously low compared to where I’m from in New England. At the same time total housing costs, taxes, insurance an...

4 years ago
RE: Shipping confusion

All my payments to Blue Ocean were wire transfers, both the containers and auto’s. They will accept a credit card for Vehicles, not sure why, but not...

4 years ago
RE: New VI Tax on Internet Purchases

When the government is broke and borrowing more is impossible, with no appetite for cutting expenses, there is only one option......increase taxes. A...

4 years ago
RE: Vacation To VI This December?

There's no downside to having a 2nd test, I think this is a good practice.

4 years ago
RE: AT&T Now Liberty - Thoughts on Impact

I've had the same problem with T-Mobile, they did finely remove the charges but it's annoying to have to deal with.

4 years ago
RE: New VI Tax on Internet Purchases

I’m only surprised it’s taken this long given the financial state of the Territory. This would be a consumption tax, so fair in one sense. The fact ...

4 years ago
RE: Association Health Plan option may be coming to VI

Please let me know what you decide. I’m just starting to research options, SkyMed looks interesting as they have coverage in the USVI. I’ll check ou...

4 years ago
RE: Shipping confusion

Update, our container from Blue Ocean showed up 30 minutes early on Tuesday so I’m pleased. Not sure why others haven’t gotten good responsiveness. I...

4 years ago
RE: Shipping confusion

We’re expecting our Blue Ocean 20 foot (rented) container at 9:00am today (Tues), spent all day Monday with packers getting everything 100% ready so w...

4 years ago
RE: Association Health Plan option may be coming to VI

While I agree with this completely, I still don’t understand why the USVI didn’t elect to make use of the Affordable Care Act, it only cover half the ...

4 years ago
RE: Shipping confusion

I’m using them now for the second time, although to STX. They’ve been fine, responsive and mostly on schedule. We did arrange for additional help fo...

4 years ago
RE: Crime

How do you judge and enforce something that is unwritten, individualistic and always changing. My values are my values, they are different today at 6...

4 years ago
RE: Crime

Who decides what’s fair? Every human being has their own idea of what’s fair. It’s not the role of Government to judge morality, that’s province fam...

4 years ago
RE: Crime

Tell me what works. What we are doing is a disaster.

4 years ago
RE: Crime

Agree! I've worked in technology for 90%+ of my 44 year career, IP (intellectual Property) protection is at the core of the success of any technology...

4 years ago
RE: Fiber Internet?

Yikes, $10 per Gigabyte, that’s ironic. If you’re familiar with the inner workings of the electronics industry, the entire point behind 5G was that i...

4 years ago
RE: Data Breach?

Thanks for your very comprehensive answer to my question. I do use MFA on some things but not everything. I use face recognition on my iPhone and iP...

4 years ago
RE: Do U.S. company locations allow USVI citizens to work for them remotely?

We've been using Broadband VI with good success. At one point this summer we had 5 people all telecommuting at once, including a steady stream of Zoo...

4 years ago
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