Honorable Member
Joined: September 29, 2018 7:36 am
Last seen: January 21, 2025 4:26 pm
Topics: 8 / Replies: 526
RE: Crime Crime Crime!

I agree with stxdreaming1, crime is crime, it shouldn’t matter the color of your skin, your political beliefs, gender, or anything for that matter. T...

5 years ago
RE: I've Got An Idea! Need Input Please.

There is little doubt of demand, if the system is easy to use, efficient and dependable. There are so many people in the USVI’s that are hugely frust...

5 years ago
RE: Another relocation post?

@stxdreams I’m afraid you may have taken some of the advice here a little out of context. I think it’s mostly intended to caution people who might ru...

5 years ago
RE: Another relocation post?

As odd as it may sound, I think folks from Maine are more likely than most to fit in on STX. Given you don't like winter Maine wasn't a good choice! ...

5 years ago
RE: Electrical Meter Failure

I have only positive things to say about our experience with Mike Bruno. The system he recommended seems well matched to our needs and is balanced. ...

5 years ago
RE: Consortium creates another shitstorm

I retire next March 1st (2021), at that point I won’t have an employer, although I will have rental income and possibly some occasional consulting inc...

5 years ago
RE: Electrical Meter Failure

@gators_mom: I asked my installer, Mike Bruno, and he explained the following. “When the net metering gets its final approval, then WAPA puts in a bid...

5 years ago
RE: Kmart Done?

Walmart does private labeling, yes, but that isn't product development or manufacturing, it's simply a marketing strategy to expand the TAM (total ava...

5 years ago
RE: Frenchman's Reef restoration on hold

I read an article today that is saying the Hertz car rental may declare bankruptcy as early as May 22nd. They apparently have a $400M payment due on ...

5 years ago
RE: Consortium creates another shitstorm

@janeinstx Thanks for the clarification and I'm sure there is a bureaucratic minefield to navigate. Do you know how the federal government calculated...

5 years ago
RE: Electrical Meter Failure

I just finished putting in a solar system, like a week ago, it will be interesting to see if my bill goes down given the estimated billing. Now there...

5 years ago
RE: Kmart Done?

I don't get why Walmart is evil. Their leadership team are simply doing what any intelligent management team would do, maximize revenues and minimize...

5 years ago
RE: Consortium creates another shitstorm

I'm trying, as I'm sure many people are, to get to the facts. First and foremost, is the money in the hands of the USVI government or is it still bei...

5 years ago
RE: Kmart Done?

@NorthsideKevin I just went online and checked, there are 55 Walmart owned stores on Puerto Rico and the island has a population of just under 3.2M, t...

5 years ago
RE: Kmart Done?

@singlefin Not to worry, I have great faith in Capitalism and people, somehow we’ll find our way through the woods, because we need to. A Walmart wou...

5 years ago
RE: Best Advice

I think every case is a little different. In our relationship, I’m the impulsive one when it comes to the big decisions, combined with a bias for act...

5 years ago
RE: Kmart Done?

Is the K-Mart locally owned? I know in some markets there is a freight shortage and non-essential goods are being delayed. I wonder if that’s behind...

5 years ago
RE: The contrast of TIME

Singlefin, thanks for sharing your experiences. My wife and I are new (seasonal) residents but had pre-calibrated ourselves for island time but actua...

5 years ago
RE: Auto Broker - Shipping car from St Thomas to contiguous US

I think the market value of cars are higher in the USVI versus the mainland. Have you considered selling the car on St. Thomas and buying again once ...

5 years ago
RE: How Safe Are the Virgin Islands especially St Thomas and St Croix

So the conclusion of the article is bitterly cold winters = less crime? Doesn't sound like science to me unless the crime rate in Canada is materiall...

5 years ago
RE: How Safe Are the Virgin Islands especially St Thomas and St Croix

It's truly sad to read about the gun violence the past couple of weeks. I just saw the latest article on "The Virgin Island Consortium" that there ha...

5 years ago
RE: A bit different than most

The best advice I’ve seen here is the need for a PMV. This gives you the opportunity to look at potential apartments, check out food prices and figur...

5 years ago
RE: Flag disposal

But you have to stay off the beach and practice Social Distancing 🙂

5 years ago
RE: Container / Moving Help

We did have a team of guys who unloaded for us. I believe they are separate from Ferrol, the owner was Richie, don't know his last name but his phone...

5 years ago
RE: Flag disposal

I don’t know the answer to your question but thank you for having enough respect for our flag to dispose of it properly. I did notice they don’t last...

5 years ago
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