Honorable Member
Joined: September 29, 2018 7:36 am
Last seen: January 21, 2025 4:26 pm
Topics: 8 / Replies: 526
RE: Do U.S. company locations allow USVI citizens to work for them remotely?

I would think this is up to the prospective employer to decide and put any needed processes in place to support an employee in the USVI. My company/e...

4 years ago
RE: Data Breach?

I'm curious about your thoughts on services like Life Lock, which I think is now owned by Norton/Symantec.

4 years ago
RE: Retiring to STT. Have questions...

A question on the drivers license, if you're a seasonal resident are you required to get a VI drivers license? We will likely spend roughly 50% of ou...

4 years ago
RE: AT&T Now Liberty - Thoughts on Impact

I've had T-Mobile for many years, at least 25 years, since before it was T-Mobile in the US. Coverage on STX is spotty and I'd say poor, they don't a...

4 years ago
RE: Crime

I've spoken to several folks who claim to know that the stories in the press are only telling a portion of the complete story behind the Fred co-owner...

4 years ago
RE: I Think We Need One More Shipment Of Stuff

Hehehe, I know, I must come across as a little bit OCD but I've had it in my head that I wanted all the big (expensive) projects done and out of the w...

4 years ago
RE: Crime

No question there are bad people everywhere, it only takes 0.0001% (or less) of the population to be be evil to give the entire community a bad reputa...

4 years ago
RE: I Think We Need One More Shipment Of Stuff

Just an update. Plans are coming together! We’re just about confirmed in our arrangements to have both a half-container loaded and separately our Je...

4 years ago
RE: Crime

I'm with you on this one, I was born with the double curse of having both a burning need to fix things I see as broken and a strong bias towards actio...

4 years ago
RE: Crime

Agree this is the right direction. One thing we can do now is to start dispelling the notion that you need a College degree to be respected or capabl...

4 years ago
RE: Crime

This is so true and harmful. I’m a late bloomer, I was a horrible high school student with disastrous test scores, caused me to work for a year betwe...

4 years ago
RE: Crime

This is a wonderful idea. Getting our young people into the real world, part time, in a role where they receive some mentoring would only have upside...

4 years ago
RE: Crime

I agree strongly with your comments/observations, our education system needs to better prepare our young people for the real world and todays job mark...

4 years ago
RE: Crime

Not sure about you but to me SFO has become a filthy dump. I’ve spent a lot of time in the Bay Area over the last 30+ years and the decline is shocki...

4 years ago
RE: Crime

Yes, a sign of the times, likely to get far worse before it gets better. Unfortunately this will hurt the lower end of the socioeconomic scale far mo...

4 years ago
RE: Crime

We've traveled a fair amount in the Caribbean, Mexico and Central America. Places we thought we could live were Roatan, Bahama's (Green Turtle Key, E...

4 years ago
RE: Crime

This is an interesting comment. As a "transplant" was crime a factor in your decision to move here? As recent seasonal/retirement "transplants" it w...

4 years ago
RE: Relocating during Pandemic

Thanks, I had no idea how many quakes there are daily and the ability to zoom in on any one area is nice.

4 years ago
RE: Relocating during Pandemic

I been through a number of 6.5+ earthquakes in Japan and they will get your full attention but never experienced any real damage. This should be true...

4 years ago
RE: A Tesla on St. Croix?

I think the problem I have with WAPA and issues like the crime problem or the pension problem is that it's apparently okay for the VI Government to de...

4 years ago
RE: A Tesla on St. Croix?

Agree, for most of my life, on the mainland, I've driven European cars, tried German, Italian, French and English, we've recently gone American, speci...

4 years ago
RE: A Tesla on St. Croix?

I’m guilty of being a car guy and just can’t warm up to electric vehicles, fully acknowledging they can be crazy fast. I need the noise, the mechnica...

4 years ago
RE: Relocating during Pandemic

Checked with a friend on the East End and he didn’t feel anything.

4 years ago
RE: A Tesla on St. Croix?

Repairs would be my biggest concern. If you have any kind of an accident finding someone to make repairs will be difficult. I’ve seen several shows ...

4 years ago
RE: is a brewery welcome?

This is the key point, without a strong pull based on having a better product you are forced to compete on price, as you will have no brand recognitio...

4 years ago
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