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Joined: May 5, 2015 9:48 pm
Topics: 7 / Replies: 59
Re: Unprecedented Mass Die Offs As Pacific Ocean “Turning Into A Desert” Off California Coast

At this point, I'm not sure anyone has the answers to the long-term problems, just band aid solutions. It will probably be a long, messy fight...and w...

9 years ago
Re: Unprecedented Mass Die Offs As Pacific Ocean “Turning Into A Desert” Off California Coast

USA Today: "In the past few years, reports have shown the number of toxic blooms and dead zones around the world have been increasing dramatically..."...

9 years ago
Re: Unprecedented Mass Die Offs As Pacific Ocean “Turning Into A Desert” Off California Coast

Well, you might want to consider "toxic" as a marketing word, but you are probably in an extremely limited minority. Consider the definition of "toxic...

9 years ago
Re: Unprecedented Mass Die Offs As Pacific Ocean “Turning Into A Desert” Off California Coast

LF - Just for you...links to stories and research on toxic algal blooms. Enjoy:D

9 years ago
9 years ago
Re: Unprecedented Mass Die Offs As Pacific Ocean “Turning Into A Desert” Off California Coast

Sorry, LF, but you are very wrong. My statements are NOT wrong or misleading and can be supported with a very minimal internet search...or maybe just ...

9 years ago
Re: Unprecedented Mass Die Offs As Pacific Ocean “Turning Into A Desert” Off California Coast

Not just in California. There are "dead zones" just off the Gulf Coast and areas off New England where a lack of oxygen in the water where nothing liv...

9 years ago
Re: The Natural Fallacy

If you are going to eat honey, make sure it is from a local source. Recent studies of processed honey (the kind in the cute little bears) shows that m...

9 years ago
Re: The World Is Running Out Of Freshwater

Reality check: Oh, they can figure out how to do it, just not how to pay for it. The average American uses approximately .61-1.25 gallons of crude oil...

9 years ago
Re: Good news Trump supporters! You are right, your man isn't a Fascist.

Those who fail to learn from history are doomed to repeat it.

9 years ago
Re: Are Microplastics in Our Water Becoming a Macroproblem?

Don't forget plastic grocery bags, plastic water/food bottles, and garbage in general. Also, runoff from fertilizers and animal poop.

9 years ago
Re: Our Oceans Are Reaching the Climate Change Tipping Point, Warn Scientists

There are a whole lot of really bad things that can happen before mass extinction, some of which would probably make us wish for mass extinction. Seem...

9 years ago
Re: Are Microplastics in Our Water Becoming a Macroproblem?

The President just signed a bipartisan bill into law that bans the manufacture and sale of microbeads in the US. Other countries have already banned t...

9 years ago
Re: Our Oceans Are Reaching the Climate Change Tipping Point, Warn Scientists

I'm not going to debate about the reality of climate change, global warming, or any other label being placed on the current and projected changes affe...

9 years ago
Re: High humidity mold

What about removing the mold/mildew smell from inside cabinets and drawers. No sign of the mold/mildew any more, but the smell will NOT go away. I've ...

9 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 1575
Re: Merry Chistmas, Everyone!

Wishing everyone a joyous New Year, wherever you are.

9 years ago
Re: A different take on coming to the Islands

Amen to that. Perhaps you should take a look at some of the news reports and footage of the island after Hugo or Marilyn. It doesn't take a meltdown i...

9 years ago
Re: STX with family for a month!

Southwest now flies into PR, so, depending on where you are, you might get a better rate by flying to PR then Seaborne over to STX or STT.

9 years ago
Re: MacBook on stx

Beware! Apple will not ship to the island and even Amazon won't ship Apple products, not even a USB cable.

9 years ago
Re: VP Biden

Wondered about that. We heard/saw that one too. Definitely below the 500 ft minimums for most aircraft.

9 years ago
Re: Should kids be brought on a PMV?

This may be too late to matter, but here are my two cents worth. I would recommend at least one trip without the children. If they are with you, you m...

9 years ago
Re: Noise Travels!

No, near Tipperary. I wonder how the people who own these dogs, especially the little yappy ones, can sleep at night, not to mention the 6 am wake-up ...

9 years ago
Re: STX with family for a month!

We have been really happy with Judi's at Croix ([urlMuch less expensive than at the airport and they will meet you there. Dennis is great to work with...

9 years ago
Re: VP Biden

He got in Sunday morning. His chopper flew LOW over our house about 9 am. Quite a wake up call :-X

9 years ago
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