Hi All, Does anyone have any opinions on working at Point Pleasant Resort? Is there anyone that has worked there that can tell me what it's like?...
Linda J I am looking for full time employment doing either housekeeping at a hotel or some kind of data entry job. I would also consider a retail...
jkleman Unfortunately I am already here so this doesn't help me. Thanks anyway for your suggestions. Arts-N-Crafts Teacher, I'm n...
To All, The unit has been sold. Thanks! Mike
To All, The unit has been sold. Thanks!! Mike
Hello All, We are reducing the price of this unit to 400.00 if anyone is interested. Thanks!
Hello All, We are reducing this unit to 400.00 if anyone is interested. Thanks!!
I forgot to mention that we are on St. Thomas. Thanks!
Sorry about that. We are on St. Thomas. Thanks!
Bump......$500.00 or best offer. Thanks!
Bump....$500.00 or best offer. Thanks!
Calatour, just for your own knowledge, Red Hook IS in St. Thomas. Also, you won't find anything furnished with utilities for under $1000 that would be...
I guess that would help. How stupid of me. I am on St. Thomas. Any help you could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks. Rose
Thanks Trade!!
They are going to need a lot more than prayers. They don't stand a chance!! New England Rules!!
Most employers will require you to have your own reliable transportation.
Hi Lmays28, YOU ARE NOT INSANE, as long as there are not kids invloved. If you have kids, I would not suggest it. If it turns ugly, you don't wan...
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. They are greatly appreciated. Rose