Last seen: December 29, 2024 6:39 pm
Simply put "You don't lose your girlfriend/boyfriend, you just lose your turn."
"More people were killed in this one episode than the number of people murdered on STX to date" Just off to a slow start give it time. Its only A...
My thoughts exactly Rotor, Revolving door zero consequences.
Sorry to hear this. Things will never change face it. I agree the best defense is a great offense(being armed and taking these lowlifes out for go...
Go to the STX Animal Shelter, help save a life. Sure you can find a small dog there. Rescues are the best.
It would take the pope to fix the troubles with WAPA Maybe "God" himself, but the Pope don't stand a chance.
Could be the new Legislative research vessel. "SS Chuckey"
Let's see. So the gentleman "victim" who Participated in the home invasion. Who according to his relative in the newspaper article was "taught ri...
I really don't know what she was trying to say in he article. Good home, wanted nothing, brought up the right way, well then how did he end up in a gr...
Got no time to respond Home Despot. To your racist trash. Got to wash my KKK uniform big rally tonight. Ok bye.
I agree with Neil. Its like bringing a knife to a gunfight. Bad Idea. First line of defense needs to be dogs in a fenced yard, and big ones. Not ...
i know and Like lot's of cops just not lazy ones. Ignoring problems, and you all got lots of em. Why would they not want a description from poodle? ...
Complete nonsense. They needed nothing from you cause they intended to do nothing.
It's called progress. Who says stx was never intended to be a tourist destination? Where is that in the bible? Oh St Thomas is the tourist destinati...
Anyone who truly cares and wants a safe and better life for their families and themselves, and is not involved in criminal behavior should be glad to ...
Glad to hear you are working on the fence. The only people who can protect your animals is you. This is true for everyone who has pets. Someo...
I take it the Health Department of USVI does not post restaurant inspection scores. They would have to know how to add to come up with a score.
Definitely glad you and your wife were not killed or injured. The disappointing thing is one is still alive. He should be strung up at five corne...
Thanks blu exactly what I thought. Too funny.
Is the "west indian phone call" stopping in the middle of the road to talk to someone else?
I like the Idea of the ride to the 11 mile buoy. If it was up to me it would be a nightly trip. Plenty of Garbage to dispose of so little time.
And there you have it. No surprise there.
Pot stock too High, lol. Must be some good stuff.