Reputable Member
Joined: September 8, 2011 11:44 am
Last seen: February 4, 2023 8:54 am
Topics: 50 / Replies: 378
RE: Best (safest) way to transport a large hound to STT?

We brought our 3 dogs to St. Lucia and onward using American Airlines and the experience was seamless. We drove them to Miami and then a non-stop to...

4 years ago
Re: Cost U Less cost me less!!!!

Business 101+ Raise Costs = Raise Prices = Maintain Margins. You want people to make more money, you have to pay for it! It's quite simple. ...

7 years ago
Re: Hola from Panama

Well, after living in the Grenadines for 3 years and then on STX for 7 years, we moved to Uruguay. We have travelled all over S.A and C.A. and this h...

7 years ago
Re: Mason and other things

Pat Brannon....lives on the west end. Sorry, no longer had a contact for him but someone else may.

7 years ago
Re: Force10 Homes Performance - St. John?

Thanks Julie for the update. We were curious to see how they fared since this would have been the worst storm since many of them were constructed. ...

7 years ago
7 years ago
Replies: 5
Views: 2734
Re: Auto Insurance

When we lived there, we went with AARP(Real Legacy Assurance in PR). They beat Marshall and Sterling for the same coverage by nearly $500 annually f...

7 years ago
Re: Force 10

In our opinion, it is difficult to own a home on any island. St. John has a few additional issues as it is more remote, difficult to get there and a...

8 years ago
Re: Force 10

Back in 1992, we purchased a beautiful property on St. John and seriously considered building a Force10 home. The concept is solid and we had comple...

8 years ago

There is a reason that the Constitution has set forth the Electoral College to elect our leaders. There are 3,141 counties in the United States. ...

8 years ago
Re: Pool installation companies on STX?

I would recommend that you try Pat Brannon. When we lived on STX, I had him do some construction and pool work for us. He was prompt, fair and did a...

9 years ago
Re: WAPA out yet again

Rotorhead, that's one of the reasons we are here and no longer there! 360 days to the day and not one power nor internet outage and no damaged equip...

9 years ago
Re: Auto Insurance Company?

Agree, when we lived there we had our car insurance through Legacy on PR and it was exactly 1/2 for better coverage. They have a local adjuster on ST...

9 years ago
Re: St Croix Supporters of Donald Trump

Honesty, can't see anyone in republican candidates line-up that doesn't make me cringe at the slightest possibility that they could be seriously taken...

9 years ago
Re: Moving to the States?

Moved back in January and everything went extremely smoothly. We shipped all of our books/CD/DVD's via USPS Media rate. Did all the shipment onli...

10 years ago
Re: Good dog food options

Bred and showed dogs for a number of years. Have 3 now. Feed them either Merrick or Chicken Soup for the Dog Lovers Soul. When we lived on STX, we...

10 years ago
Re: Good dog food options

Just take a look at an impartial report of the best food for your dog. Do you see Purina, Iams, Science Diet, Pedigree......anywhere in the list. ...

10 years ago
Re: WAPA out on STX?

I'll be sure to let my niece know she's having more outages than she thinks! Alana, now that's funny. Fact, we have lived in several places ...

10 years ago
Re: WAPA out on STX?

I find it so fascinating the amount that people complain about WAPA and the electrical outages. We live on a tropical island and that's just par for ...

10 years ago
Re: Today's Avis headline re: HOVENSA

IMO, I would look elsewhere to move. The economy is DISMAL on STX and has no signs of being revived in the near future. Optimism does not fix the se...

10 years ago
Re: Best Realtor to Sell your USVI house

Kim showed both of our homes more than anyone else and they were not listed with her. She ended up selling one of them in November. She was wit...

10 years ago
Re: Best Realtor to Sell your USVI house

There are a limited number of buyers on our islands. STX seems to have more sales due to their prices being lower than on STT, STJ and WI, with STJ ...

10 years ago
Re: Best Realtor to Sell your USVI house

We recently sold our place on STX and here is our experience. When we purchased the homes, we located them and then called a friend who is a real...

10 years ago
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