Gator's Mom
Noble Member
Joined: February 18, 2013 12:21 am
Last seen: June 21, 2023 7:27 am
Topics: 18 / Replies: 1282
RE: Crime

Do you have information on how many calls per day per sworn officer is the US average? Even better, how does the VIPD line up against peers of similar...

3 years ago
RE: Limetree layoffs as of last night refining part closing ?

You must be from the NE or California. I'm originally a midwesterner so whatever is on the business channels is aimed at folks that live in highly inf...

4 years ago
RE: Limetree layoffs as of last night refining part closing ?

I don't think the US real estate market boom is caused by those fleeing cities and moving to suburbs. I suspect low interest rates is a serious contri...

4 years ago
RE: Limetree layoffs as of last night refining part closing ?

If real estate values and sales soared throughout the US, including the USVI, during a worldwide pandemic and recession - why would closing the refine...

4 years ago
RE: Limetree layoffs as of last night refining part closing ?

There is an entire system of clerks, social workers, accountants etc. earning billions of dollars in wages in the US whose work it is to determine who...

4 years ago
RE: Limetree layoffs as of last night refining part closing ?

Everything in my lifetime has been racist and sexist - the world of the 20th century belonged to white guys. Think about it - from the hospital in whi...

4 years ago
RE: Refined

Not even the oil spray on homes and yards in Clifton Hill and surrounding area? Did that oil spray affect open land around the refinery, too? That'...

4 years ago
RE: Limetree layoffs as of last night refining part closing ?

Environmental racism. There is a name for it. This goes back to the origins of putting an oil refinery on a predominantly black island in the Caribbea...

4 years ago
RE: Refined

Has additional environmental damage or contamination occurred post 7/2/18? Superfund is not just about ground contamination. That contract langua...

4 years ago
RE: Refined

Bankruptcy would not absolve environmental responsibility for Limetree refinery owners - including paying for EPA superfund cleanup if the site were t...

4 years ago
RE: Limetree layoffs as of last night refining part closing ?

I don't think the closure is about lawsuits. Torts are frivolous and irritating. It's about NO MONEY to repair, operate and make good on EPA require...

4 years ago
RE: Limetree layoffs as of last night refining part closing ?

The Limetree Bay refinery closed indefinitely because it could not get loans or other financing to turn back on after the May closure - and obviously ...

4 years ago
RE: How in the world can we bring a large dog?

current FAA/DOT rules and forms for service dogs on commercial aircraft that carry passengers.

4 years ago
RE: Buying vs Building

Those with limitless funds are building on stx right now. You can’t compete with the mega rich for limited supplies and skilled workers unless you’re ...

4 years ago
RE: USVI Vision 2040

So back to the original topic. This document is all about unfunded mandates and change in the USVI.

4 years ago
RE: Kitchen supplies

If stx, try gallows bay hardware. They’ve been advertising their renews kitchen wares selection.

4 years ago
RE: USVI Vision 2040

Trickle down as a way of absolving the wealthiest in the US from paying their fair share of taxes was and is a construct of Reaganism. The Koch boy...

4 years ago
RE: lpg gas generator vs diesel generator

We had Central Georgia Generators build a 16.5 KW diesel generator to our specs 3 years ago including the tank and transfer switch for $7300. We put i...

4 years ago
RE: Locations -east- west -north -south?

here’s the website for the VIs department of planning and natural resources.

4 years ago
RE: Locations -east- west -north -south?

Atlantic hurricanes originate off the coast of Africa between Lat 10 and 20 N. They generally travel to the west/NW and each takes its own path depend...

4 years ago
RE: Locations -east- west -north -south?

Personally I choose to live upwind from the refinery and the dump. I also would avoid living in or near a gut that will wash out in a storm. You can c...

4 years ago
RE: License suspended in states

You are required to present your most recent three year driving record as well as a current stateside driver’s license in order to get a VI license. ...

4 years ago
RE: USVI Vision 2040

My homestate Kansas was financially gutted by former Gov. Sam Brownback's Reaganesque policies backed by the Koch boys from Wichita. Kansas spent all ...

4 years ago
RE: USVI Vision 2040

Residents of the VI, as legal US citizens and residents, qualify for the stimulus money. However, at least prior to the most recent payment, the monie...

4 years ago
RE: USVI Vision 2040

you may not talk much to ‘native virgin islanders’ who are blaming the current woes in the VI on the influx of mainlanders moving to the islands. We a...

4 years ago
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