Last seen: April 26, 2024 11:23 pm
$1 UVI to Kmart $1 Kmart to Red Hook
First of all to get the answers you really need you must find out which island you will be living on. 1 - ATT is the preferred carrier by far, Crick...
It is imperative that you don't rent sight unseen before you get here. You may want to consider where you will be working before deciding on any area....
I disagree with this. As a former landlord myself, let me tell you that landlording is a BUSINESS and, as such, is about making money. Nothing more,...
few -- if any -- safari truck drivers will allow a dog.
you should also check with your lender if you have a car loan on the MB to see if they wil allow shipping to STT.
may have googled "St Thomas moving " - -----[ st thomas ontario]
'll add number 6. 6. Food items don't seem to be available to deliver to the VI. I have tried to order coffee, chocolate bars and protein bars an...
Dick and Kate Bertram's book Caribbean Cruise 1948 details their life living in Frenchtown during WW2 while he worked for the Navy.
Let us know how that timing for receiving NYT works out.
Oh come on! Some of your points are ridiculous! I don't argue on any forum, I think it degrades the participants. There was no sugarcoating in...
I could never live on St. Thomas. I've visited several times and dislike more each time I go there. I have lived on STT for well over 40 years and l...
Anyone who lives here and is looking for an apt. would be foolish not to check Craigslist twice a day. It used to be the Daily News or Island Trader t...
I posted my STT downstairs apt. on Craigslist this summer and found an excellent tenant. I was contacted through email and responded by phone. had a g...
Right now all RX are free!! I was shocked. Got several RXs and paid nothing without insurance including my $120 elbow cream for tendinitis. That ...
I liked the company that was going to use STX to launch rockets!!
The beeping sound means dinner is DONE and ready.
$25 - bring it.
And Inspection Lane was in the Ft. Christian parking lot -- No Shade, long lines, everyone in one month - and "drive at this wall and hit your brakes"...
The canvas top will take a serious beating if your home doesn't have a carport or covered parking, not just in a hurricane but daily from sun and tree...
it is a good exercise to have that 2 hr. [at my house] to remind all of us what shape our batteries,oil lamps and generator are in and what is needed ...
IMHO being a property manager in the USVI would be a very stressful job for a newcomer to try. Finding reliable repair work is difficult even for long...
1 - It is much better to live somewhat close to your work so that should help you narrow it down as a starting point. 2 - if the car has no loans on...
I have always had convertibles kept in the states for lengthy vacations, here in the VI I have never had a soft top convertibles because I don't have ...
www.weathercarib.com is my 1st weather check each day