Last seen: April 26, 2024 11:23 pm
I suggested reading the Education Department updates, here is yesterdays.
These are only the tip of the iceberg that this economic disaster here in the USVI has affected our small business community.
Pay attention to the Dept. of Education posts/info about when the schools may re-open.
This will give you grocery info: Mold is not limited to the Northside of STT - it is more evident in the design of the house and sunlig...
I like the "Throwback Thread" glitch better -- interesting to read what people complained about 10 years ago too!
Look into the travel nurses program -- over the years many nurses have come here on that program - stayed 6-12 months and either decided to go somewhe...
Been here long enough to see the 'system' change dramatically ! BMV used to inspect all our cars on STT for 1 month a year in the summer - in the Ft...
Maybe it is a new feature --"Throwback Thread Tuesday"???
Last post almost 8 years ago -- why is it here now??
Since real people who live real lives in the US Virgin Islands cannot vote for the president should this continuing political discussion just be moved...
No checks yet - as my daughter says - this PO Box Is filled with AIR mail.
Administered Locally! because of our Mirror Tax System with the IRS/BIR.
I have seen some people I know get the $1200 check in the mail -- not me yet . Don't know anyone who has received the extra $600 unemployment assist...
Gangs in the VI fight over drug turf and the primary drug in the VI is marijuana. It is certainly the primary drug in # of users. The Turf war...
Put it on a pallet, shrink wrap it - freight forward LTL -less than load or/ less than truckload
Far more likely -- if you make it easier, cheaper and reliable -- to have 500 active personal shoppers and commercial accounts spending $25,000 annual...
If they ship to my PO Box I am fine with ordering things from Stateside suppliers. In an emergency need I have them ship to a family member and then i...
The Patch is a small local Bar in the small boatyard in the Lagoon in Frydenhoj STT -- quite a reputation for camaraderie.
STX Dreams -- yes that sounds like somewhere else will be a better fit. Thanks for the update.
Let me say that finding a nice, good, comfortable rental for 1 year will be the best investment in discovering if STX will fit your needs, income, lif...
'the actual presence of men" ?? I must be missing whatever point is being made -[ human effect on the environment? ]- if the island "sucks" why not g...
The Governor specifically called out that article today in his press conference - said they are printing checks as he speaks, trying to mail between $...
No Cistern? How about septic?? How would anyone live in these without water and septic?? Would DPNR give them a Certificate of Occupancy?
Morning Glory??
@wolverine888: If you want to advertise your business or services, contact us for Advertising Information. Advertising your business, product or ser...