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Joined: February 24, 2008 9:51 pm
Last seen: April 26, 2024 11:23 pm
Topics: 73 / Replies: 2387
Re: Best beaches to run Business

Planning to move here for 6 months and start a business? Maybe call it Fly-by-night Flyboards?

10 years ago
Re: Gun permit/ concealed?

no i have not-i never hear of when they are or where. where does one find this information? Newspapers,the Source online, online at their website...

10 years ago
Re: Buyer agent (Realtor) rec. for STJ + STT

Bill Otto - David Jones real estate Tara Godfrey Both are best in class!

10 years ago
Re: STT vs. STX

really, -- outlaw 'haulups, sanitary cups and Pueblo rain hats' ??

10 years ago
Re: Gigacrete

As a former Packard motor car owner, in the sixties my high school car was a 1936 Packard , I humbly beg to differ with the origin of the phrase "Ask...

10 years ago
Re: STT vs. STX

The topic thread has had a few ups and downs but the recent move and posts by AandA are the most interesting perspectives presented --- interesting to...

10 years ago
Re: STT vs. STX

Only on St John [ or Beverly Hills maybe] would they have cats pajamas for sale. I know it is an old idiom, 23 skidoo and such. When people say St ...

10 years ago
Re: The AG Discussion: 'Outrage Versus Facts in the Time of Incivility'

Well written explanation - as I would expect from a long time legal mind. Thank You and I hope the current AG situation can be resolved to the benef...

10 years ago
Re: Bet You Haven't Heard This One Yet...

Plenty of the bigger islands have the kind of room you are talking about - look into Dominica for instance - very rural living and affordable - even...

10 years ago
Re: STT vs. STX

I think referring to St Thomas as 'Saint Trauma' is misleading, inaccurate and frankly derogatory. I certainly have no idea what your personal job s...

10 years ago
Re: Utility Cost

Monthly: Cable or satellite TV $60 and up Internet - $50 and up Landline about $30 cell phone - varies with plan and usage water - often fre...

10 years ago
Re: Moving to STX - Should I buy a car or ship my own?

If you are only going to be here for 1 year you may also have to consider the cost of shipping your car back home - buying a good car on STX and selli...

10 years ago
Re: STT vs. STX

"the proximity to so many close by sailing destinations was the deciding factor for me." This doesn't make STT the 'better island' - only that i...

10 years ago
Re: Thinking about relocating to STT

You will probably have better luck finding a rental that will take the animals if it is unfurnished. So, you'll need to budget for furniture, as well...

10 years ago
Re: STT vs. STX

Depending on your needs STT may have more varied work opportunities and although I realize the rents may be less on STX for more house the income poss...

10 years ago
Re: Abi beach bar development

Not that I agree at all with this development but is their ANY development you would favor? I think that the Walgreens, Magaritaville, AYH,Yacht...

10 years ago
Replies: 12
Views: 2211
Re: Job potential for new grad RN wanting to relocate to St. Thomas.

I agree with the idea of acquiring some experience before starting a career here in the USVI. Over the years I have known more than a few medical prof...

10 years ago
Re: making the move

The overall higher cost of living and the mountainous terrain should be a consideration for you - depending on your mobility ability you may have to b...

10 years ago
Re: Manual vs auto transmission on st Thomas

My current Honda Civic is the 1st car I have had automatic trans in - I vastly prefer stick for driving the hills - I have lived at the top of Crown M...

10 years ago
Re: Vacation Rental Potential

At best I would think that it will be hard to even reach a 'break even point' but the rental income, tax advantages and limited personal use will cert...

10 years ago
Re: Campground at Neltjeberg

[From Alana's post:] From Alana2B,5&6 Neltjeberg LNS 00802, MLS #15-739 Thank You for the specific info. I guess if someone ha...

10 years ago
Re: Campground at Neltjeberg

Is this the Angel LeBron Parcel? Let's see - Frenchmans Bay was undeveloped now it has a beach Bar [Abi] on what was a pristine sandy beach -...

10 years ago
Re: Question on Euros

I have occasionally just deposited them in my saving account and it seems eventually the bank works it out. I have no clue what kind of exchange rate ...

10 years ago
Re: how does everyone like living there?

40 years on STT and haven't found a better place for me to relocate to yet - but it ain't for everybody this island life - it takes a patient, creativ...

10 years ago
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