Last seen: April 26, 2024 11:23 pm
There is lots of 'advice and information' available on this site especially in the drop down menus above in the header and on the search function. S...
There is a charging station in the parking lot at Emerald Beach Resort. Free?? no idea
What part of the West End could possibly be compared to dangerous areas to avoid????
On the Northside there are boats stored on trailers next to Hull Bay Hideaway and a launch ramp there - a few locations offer rack dry storage on the ...
It has been mentioned many times before, and I am sure if you read some previous threads using the search function you will see the reasoning, it is r...
The weather the last few days has made me realize once again - I am not interested in dealing with cold winters - this is winter enough for me. S...
NJOY posted: I don't think the Broadband connection will be a problem if you pay for the right service provider. That kind of assumption is of...
Lots of VW's for sure but in that clip I also saw some very different vehicles - Renault Dauphine, 55 Packard, Cadillac convertible, Porsche 911, a fe...
LF said: the new pavement from the fiber runs is a perfect motorcycle sized patch of smooth pavement nearly everywhere on the island. Isn't that ...
this site :
I would not hesitate to call Daniel at Beep Business Services 340-776-8720 and ask him your questions and recommend using his services as well.
The only long term ill effects I remember hearing about cistern water was years ago there was a report of older residents who were very mineral defici...
I hope Udder Delight can find a location to move to - it would be a shame to lose such a wonderful and Tasty! place.
I have been drinking the cistern water - no filtration other than screens on the gutters - for 36 years in this house. My tenants downstairs have alwa...
The owner of Famous Delite -[ Udder Delight] told me Sunday their lease is up in a few months and the plan for the dairy property is erecting more Mi...
The Pizza oven at The Blue Orchid is called Pie in the Sky - closed Sun/Mon - [as is Thirteen] - they make a good variety of pizzas.
If you don't mind eating at the bar or in the small lounge area a no reservation visit would probably be OK on most nights, early or late. Reservati...
Again...an Alaskan Malamute will be miserable. Arizona heat much drier, not to mention the cost of a/c much more affordable. I guess if you can affor...
If you are frequently using tools now where you live -- then bring them - you will likely find you will be using them even more often here.
I just paid my car insurance today - Senior citizen, 11 yr. old car, bottom basic liability coverage - $237/ yr - all that is required if their is no ...
Maybe she can pick up some local info to bring home -- Daily News, some real estate books, Island Trader, local phone book, good maps, grocery flyers ...
Small portions of various flavored Cruzan rum products are almost always available at the welcome booth in STT that is just inside the terminal entran...
You may find this link helpful about moving to the BVI: The All at Sea magazine is worth a subscription if you like the online version the ha...