Last seen: April 26, 2024 11:23 pm
I just stand out on my deck in just a hat and sunglasses a cup of coffee and my binoculars and gesticulate wildly when they are overhead -- have been ...
After one of the big hurricanes here on STT the BIR issued a statement that most of their tax records had been lost in the storm and would taxpayers p...
I called Hugo the Grand Pruning at my house - but after clearing away all the broken branches my fruit trees produced bumper harvests for the next few...
Power outage - Sat 9:30 am - STT Crown Mt. -- saving money now!!
S I T C is exactly what you can expect from employers here in the VI. I also saw a sale at K-Mart -- Boys Pants 1/2 off.
New Joisy! Hey !! Jersey Girls don't have to pump their own Gas! And have the best Tomatoes and Sweet Corn!
How often have people on this board cautioned new prospective movees [my new word?] that coming here to avoid the problems they already have in their ...
You should know from SITC's constant posting on the subject that he's referring to Caribbean Auto Mart. 😀 They are getting the recognition they...
One of the big costs of building here is the need for a cistern - not a common concern in the states and also the septic/waste water system of which t...
So as I understand it Innovative does not provide WiFi and your own personal WiFi experience will depend on the strength and quality of a separate dev...
Doesn't the WiFi service depend on your own WiFi broadcast unit ?? not an Innovative device?
make sure you bring a Social Security card with you - for whatever reason they require it for the Food Handlers card.
I have sailed all over the Caribbean, the East Coast of USA, to Canada multiple times and through the Panama Canal twice with a 60 lb. dog aboard wit...
Where is the open mic night?? Roman Polanski stadium??
I am happy with Innovative - all the services - don't even own a cell phone and don't need to be bothered having one, or checking it a few hundred tim...
Kevin and Lavelle Campbell have a full service drivers Education program. text 340-643-0025
A few years ago I had a rather obnoxious Wapa rep make my tenant get our lease notarized before they would create an account for him.
In over 40 years here I have never had a 'Title' for any car -- how does one go about getting one , does it need to be renewed like registration and a...
One thing to check if a W/D Hookup is provided is the electrical connection available for the Dryer -- There are 110V and 220V dryers - make sure what...
that way my wife could do laundry while cooking for me. ( But can she get to the machines barefoot and pregnant??
An interesting look at another Mosler project: and the man: