Last seen: April 26, 2024 11:23 pm
You know what they say " You want to have a small fortune in the VI start with a large one" I don't think she really had a large enough client li...
here is a small island car ---- wrong island - but a dream of his come true and a vintage collectible these days.
I'd pay $12, which is a 100% markup for the Sunday New York Times delivered by Sunday evening. Even when Patti stopped the Sun. NYTimes service h...
I am constantly torn between a P/U or a top down 2 seater for a spare vehicle -- usefulness VS late life crisis material.
I am sure the USCG will be involved in the investigation and if he holds a USCG license there are mandated tests and requirements to be met after an i...
You don't have the equivalent of the RedHookers in STX? Or any Frenchtown Floozies or the classy Downtown Dames?
I found taking or auditing a course at UVI a non-boring way to meet all kinds of people.
I use a few boat ideas in my house for conservation -- and if a landlord really wants to save water get a tenant who has lived on a boat by the way, i...
I have learned to live with the NYTimes online but there is never a time that I pass up the opportunity to make an airport pickup here on Sun/Mon and ...
A locksmith?
Be aware mapgeo doesn't recognize 100 percent of the parcels. It hasn't got a clue about my condo property part from the boundary lines. Does it...
If it is already having failure points it is very likely there was no DPNR permit as they would have wanted some kind of engineering plan. You can als...
You can usually find the property owners info here:
I had a restaurant that burned down and after it was rebuilt by the landlord my business interruption insurance clause allowed me to get a nice check.
5 cartons of cigarettes would however get you a few nights good sleep in jail.
CRE posted: St.Croix is 27sqmi and a bad year is deaths in the high 20s St Croix is 84 sq. Mi. as a correction about facts.
There are actually enough tests for patience and humor here in regular everyday living - there is no need for newly invented ones that may have no bas...
Submarine Cable List St. Croix, Virgin Islands, United States Email link Cables Americas-II Global Caribbean Network (GCN) ...
I knew ours wasn't related to the STT / STJ outage because I heard the pop this morning. I believe the STX power is completely independent of the...
Power here on western slope of Crown Mt. since 1pm.
All the Govt. shredders are probably busy - private is a good idea.
Fugitive? The USVI : Home for the Wanted and the Unwanted
OT - although our present governor may object to having the rug pulled out from under him .. Since he is over in China perhaps he is looking for...