Last seen: April 26, 2024 11:23 pm
I have seen and heard hundreds of young students, [over my years here], that have grown up here who speak both standard English and a very local diale...
Maybe the OP is a Kinder-garden teacher or ELC specialist and just very used to the baby bickering like this and has gleaned a good understanding of t...
You may find it hard on a Sunday - maybe get an appointment during the week.
The Avis is the STX daily paper. It is not available online as far as I know.
Perhaps someone - maybe at your new job, or even a friendly face here on the forum can mail you the for rent section of the Avis once or twice a week ...
Why not fill it with your own stuff? A new/used car - new generator - some plumbing fixtures and new tools - some nice hardwood - windows - furniture ...
I pay on their phone payment line and have had no problems. Aren't the new owners [ Prior and Son ] old partners of the Prosser regime??
Really to find a part time or weekend job I suggest you look at places you might like to work at and present yourself in person, neatly dressed and wi...
If you decide on STJ to attend public schools past 6th grade will require a ferry ride to STT and you will have to live in Cruz Bay proper to have no ...
Not all scooter accidents are deadly -- don't forget the surgeons, medical supply houses for crutches etc, drug stores for bandages, pharmacies for pa...
I rarely [and can't even remember the last time] buy boxed plastic bags for trash -- I use the free plastic bags that I accumulate from the grocery, K...
I have sometimes gotten a response in minutes.
I'm with Exit zero, my next move will be the insane asylum. HEY!! I said a nursing Home -- Maybe you can find an old movie called "King of Hearts...
I moved around the 1st 5 years I lived here - finding better places each time, my last move in 1980 was forced by the sale of our rental and we found ...
I feel perfectly fine with or without guns. The same cant be said for some. There is no reason to have a .223, 30/30, 30-06, and .338 here. No where t...
That famous guy Mr. Gump says " Stupid is as stupid does" is my recommendation on scooter rental here on STT where life really is a box of chocolates.
If you bring any car make sure it can be repaired on island and not exotic - and if you accrue some of the commonly replaceable parts there, before yo...
You might want to read this recent letter to the editor of out online paper 'The Source' - it does reflect a growing feeling in the USVI from one mans...
Cruz Bay for sure I bet.
I can say that the Bordeaux bus is fairly timely and a lot of folks depend on it for the morning route and if you ride it from the NW side of STT on a...
East End boat park - which I couldn't find the # for is next to Independent and owned by the Beer family, I think Ben is running it currently.
I tell them I have never had a computer and to look up "Luddite'
Since I Have To depend on WAPA for current if I was dependent on them for water I would move. Don't you have a cistern???
Tiny vehicles - tiny problems
I thought it was a way to fish, not phish.