Last seen: April 26, 2024 11:23 pm
Okay, I changed that. I was unaware of private messaging on this website. Thank you for filling me in. You might want to check your spelling too.
I certainly hope Amber has plans to continue her education here. Your degree may be more useful to you in that field here than just pursuing a f...
If there was an accident on your property that involved a fire, I would like to see the Insurance Lawyers face when you show them your Fire Safety Cer...
A few years ago I was driving by the abattoir, near Sanchez Town and a chicken flew in my drivers side window -- huge surprise and very distracting wh...
which Island arrival?
"pre-analize which design" That is a very apt description of what you will be feeling, and where, during this project.
Proper and targeted marketing at a price point reflecting the amenities.
If you are working 5 days a week - 20 days a mo. - getting $75 a shift in salary and $ 100 [take home and declared] in tips a shift you are looking at...
I have not found a home I'd consider "decent" on STT for under $500k You must have a Very high bar for what is 'decent' - between $200K and $500K...
There will not be a single person here who can answer your cost question with that limited information - but no matter what you plan for it will cost ...
The Chinese have just sunk 3.5 Billion into the Baha Mar mega hotel in the Bahamas. Why would they build a competitive hotel anywhere in the USVI ? ...
Here is a resort opportunity:
Plenty of information and more in the black banner at the top of this page - including: with a 3-5 yr. window you will have plenty of time to...
Did you rest your case or not??
Ground clearance is certainly a problem and must be considered. I have always felt the biggest issue is -- can I get this car fixed without big proble...
Want to make a million dollars in the Caribbean? bring two. Not a bad return on your money 50% "If you want to Leave the VI with a Million ...
great info than you.
A good midsize P/U may be the best compromise depending on your passenger needs. If you are looking at buying one here - take your time and look aro...
A lot of local info on: And a big collection of sites in one place at:
I just rebuilt my deck and used 'ground contact' rated lumber, coated all the wood with 2 coats of Deckover from home depot, stainless screws and Dymo...
NYTIMES - is a special offer now for $.99 week for a mo. or $1.88 week for a year
Well, there is a bumper sticker common in many vacation locales: If it is really Tourist Season why can't we shoot them?
My suggestion is separate the car and pallet in your questions to the shipping company - just shipping a pallet to Miami and then to STX I suggest VI...
Ants are very hard to get rid of - Terro works great - but it will require vigilance and daily awareness to keep ants away. Any food products, crumb...