Last seen: April 26, 2024 11:23 pm
I think it's all good as long as you do not have to work here. I work for a living and have worked here for over 40 years - not that your comment...
Great as long as you are not a 'hurry man' i guess.
I am on STT and not had a reading at the house in over a year I don't think they are estimating but will look to see how the #'s match up.
I am not sure many of us living here and on the forum are fortunate enough to have a cleaning person ourselves .. much less know a good recommendation...
Island Time -- this is actually one of the best reasons I still live here. The relaxed and conversational personal transactions I see on a daily basis...
I still enjoy the many cultural differences that make life here more interesting and certainly don't characterize many of the things posters have ment...
The traditional way of announcing your presence at someones home: Inside -- INSIDE!!
The real estate market certainly has plenty of family homes for less than a Million dollars that do not need renovation. Maintenance is a constant her...
There are not many things that are cheaper here but the way of life does offer some advantages. Your clothing expenses are likely to be less because...
resistance is futile! Preventive maintenance is imperative. (stainless steel and lithium grease are my new best friends). Using a high...
Happy Thanksgiving to all on this forum. I am very thankful for a loving family and thankful to have spent most of my adult life here in the USVI...
excellent post If you meant mine - thank You -- although after rereading it it does smack of my Mothers old "Hints from Heloise" books. If you ...
15,268 voters in a runoff election against Donna Christian-Christensen Nov 18 2014 with 63.89% of the votes cast
The cistern pump won't burn out if the power is off BUT can run until it burns out once the power returns IF it has lost its prime. Most pumps are sel...
I can only guess the Governor did not get a chance to know these were available.
where is this and which island? Thanks
I have used Daniel on any number of services .. He and his Company are absolutely trustworthy in my experience and damn efficient! I do know him and...
Norma H. was not able to answer these questions??????
Or there is always the VI retail response when you go looking for a product you have bought there before. " we don't stock that anymore - we coul...
Lots of very useful and pertinent advice in the drop down menus in the header above.
A small poster in a few of the Coral Bay businesses would get plenty of interest.
If a mainland viewpoint considers a company that employs hundreds of Virgin Islanders and has local owners on the corporate level - giant and evil --...
I do not understand your statement about being 'actually part of the community' and how it relates to what school your children attend -- all the scho...
I am just surprised because I applied for a few restaurant jobs that I would have an interview immediately if they were on the mainland If you me...