Last seen: April 26, 2024 11:23 pm
another article published today with a different outlook:
maybe Woolworths will be resurrected ?
I have had no problem using an ATT gophone.
Alana you should...... For sure a better use of your time.
And when her little girl starts talking with a total St. Thomian accent [with some of those words] will be an eye opener for her I think.
Perhaps I should not have posted it with the liberal profanity. If it needs to be removed by the moderator or community so be it.
are you planning to have anything between the wood roof and the standing seam metal ? Battens, insulation, sprayed foam for instance.
With the price jump for Coors Light from $10.88, last week, to the now price of $18+, I'd say that price was raised way over the amount of the so-call...
You should be able to get a reliable internet connection - a few different options and speeds
I don't think plastic strapping on outdoor furniture would be considered museum type furniture restoration - maybe a sail canvas repair shop or reupho...
Bring your tools and you will find work.
Not sure what the question is --" why did my taxes double?" or "what can I do?" You could have your property appraised at current value if you feel...
That should be 10-12$ at the most. Each way. That's why they call St thomas St$ The price quoted by Tropic Tours is well above the price tha...
At Pueblo now Heineken is $38.00 cs. $ 10.99 sixpak and cigarettes were $37.00 carton I probably do 90% of my daily shopping there with a mont...
There must be a lot of people in the VI breaking the law. My rule of thumb has always been, if there was no 1099, there was no income. Are you a ...
. Some were media mail and the others were not. Good Luck Can you post how long the 'media mail' packages took to arrive? Thanks.
You are liable for Social Security and Medicare payments no matter what your 'tax' situation.
I am sure that "broken water gutters" are not a violation of any code.
I posted this on another thread but it may be relevant to your question here too. I don't know if making it easier to conceal or open carry a fir...
I don't know if making it easier to conceal or open carry a firearm is a good plan for the USVI. Having said that I certainly can say I personall...
The pace of life and the non-judgemental community fits my lifestyle and needs.
Is that a biker bar for yuppies??