Active Member
Joined: January 29, 2012 5:41 pm
Topics: 1 / Replies: 8
Re: Nursing Jobs (RN)

It's not that hard to obtain a nursing license- you can find the application online at the usvi board of nursing site. The only thing you may have a ...

9 years ago
Re: Soccer for kids

The link Alana provided will take you to the Ayso st croix website which is the main stay for youth soccer on st croix. Great organization that is al...

10 years ago
Re: Monarch Environmental

I agree .. The key is where is the money for either of these companies? Where does it come from and who are the principals controlling it? What is...

10 years ago
Re: Monarch Environmental

Thought this was interesting.

10 years ago
Re: island dog and cat need a home

Yvonne..god bless you for trying to do the right thing. We had a really hard time trying to figure out a way to even get our dogs off island last yea...

12 years ago
Re: USVI Board of Nursing Licensure

Yes sadly it is common for documents to be lost or misfiled. I have dealt with theVI Bon many times over the years... Rule one is that it is always ...

12 years ago
Re: Freight forwarding

Check out VI Cargo.. They are online with a helpful web page . I've used them many times with no problems. They ship from Medley Fl . Good Luck!

12 years ago
Re: 1999 Blazer for sale.

STX..sold thank you

13 years ago
Replies: 2
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