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Joined: May 1, 2009 4:21 am
Topics: 7 / Replies: 31
Re: Michael Vick and Animal Abuse

Dan (tu) I should have waited for your post before I said anything. That's all that needed to be said, in a nutshell.

15 years ago
Re: Michael Vick and Animal Abuse

The comment was made that white collar criminals had to pay for their crimes and until recently that was not the case!

15 years ago
Re: Michael Vick and Animal Abuse

Lizard, if you say so... i In 1999, Bill Clinton signed the Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, a bank deregulation bill that swept away a Depression-era law kn...

15 years ago
Re: Michael Vick and Animal Abuse

Divinggirl I didn't say you said it but you called me dramatic and I was merely pointing out that there were other strong opinions on this board such ...

15 years ago
Re: Michael Vick and Animal Abuse

Divinggirl, just as you are entitled to your opinion I'm entitled to mines. I do think PETA should be fighting the cause for dog/animals being maned,...

15 years ago
Re: Michael Vick and Animal Abuse

People and perspective... I love dogs and don't think any animal should be treated that way BUT he has gone to jail, lost millions I think like anyone...

15 years ago
Re: StX Restaurant Ratings

ChefDave I totally get where you're coming from. I will have to consider that the next time I'm out.

15 years ago
Re: Just wanted to say thanks....

I so enjoyed your post! I'm from NNJ & I will be in St. Croix really soon and I was already warned by this board and my friends on the Island. you g...

15 years ago
Re: mosquito

lemon eucalyptus oil but I didn't mix it myself, I bought it in a mosquito repellent from Whole Foods in NYC. It works pretty well in the North East...

15 years ago
Re: mosquito

If you're allergic to these oils, don't use 'em but I'm going to try this. I know my military friend told me to burn a match & put it in my mouth... ...

15 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 713
Re: The Storms Seem to be on the Way

I'm so upset. My move is officially set at the end of Bill and now there's another one. I don't know why, but I did buy travel insurance, I guess be...

15 years ago
Re: Cat 2 hurricane Bill by Thurs/Fri

I'm due to come in two weeks and I'm so upset! Didn't Omar have the power out for like a week? Ana is no longer a threat? I've been watching all da...

15 years ago
Replies: 0
Views: 1814
Re: For Kindle Aficionados

I agree totally. The things mentioned in 1984 and the things occurring now make you wonder... I don't like the idea that books can be taken off of y...

15 years ago
Re: Reasons for relocating to STX

You would definitely be able to tutor children at Country Day (in the summer of course)... Look it up online and give the school a call.

15 years ago
Replies: 4
Views: 1096
Re: Michael Jackson has died

Thanks for the correction because 17,400 were given away & it was absolutely beautiful.

15 years ago
Re: Michael Jackson has died

Dirty Diana does get stuck in your head! I couldn't watch the Tribute but I'm watching clips & highlights. To see his daughter put things into p...

15 years ago
Replies: 1
Views: 2068
Re: Michael Jackson has died

My all time favorites (I can't decide between the 2) are You rock my world and Dirty Diana!!! My sister & I just absolutely loved the fact that Miche...

16 years ago
Re: Michael Jackson has died

Changesinlattitude, I could respond to your insult with anger or sarcasm, but, I'm just going to reiterate my point. YOU DO NOT KNOW THAT HE DID ANY ...

16 years ago
Re: Michael Jackson has died

Ah, to be tried in the court of public opinion. His actions speaks volumes??? So you were there? You saw him molesting those kids? I do not no...

16 years ago
Re: Michael Jackson has died

It amazes me that folks only believe in our beloved judicial system when the verdict substantiates their belief. We weren't there and since most of ...

16 years ago
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