Last seen: September 11, 2021 10:30 am
Amber: Independence Day has always been celebrated before this. I am well aware of the history that has been promulgated here.
I am feeling particularly snarky this morning. From what I can ascertain: St Thomas has NO Independence Day activities. The governor didn't even ...
There is an article in the Daily News this morning indicating that the fireworks are Sunday at 8pm at the pier. It also says the Fredricksted Economic...
Donna Christensen was quoted saying she wanted to have Congress correct the document and send it back for a vote (knowing that the conventioneers woul...
Well, the Daily News was probably busy with the Tutu Mall shooting. Their deadline, I believe, is midnight, so they couldn't get it into the paper on ...
Neil: The Daily News doesn't put their edition on line until evening. You have to buy it on dead tree to read it in the morning. I was going to say th...
The article is in the Daily News this morning. There was a thread here yesterday.
ALW: Insurance is regulated through the Lt Governor's office. The territorial government has Cigna. United Health Care, BUPA and Mapfre also sell heal...
Heart doctors we have. There is even a cardiac center on St Croix. Neurosurgery, rheumatology and some other specialties are not represented..
Anita: I vote for you to be in the diplomatic corps! That is pronounced "core" not "corps" 😀 And Bodhi: There are no "ex-pats" here. We 'merican...
Okay, if it takes 60 hours to earn a good living in Big America, it will take MORE than that here...
Amy: I am going to focus on the clinic. The Health Department does have a clinic, although I can't tell you the location on St Croix. There are long w...
I also think that reading the on-line newspapers is helpful.andThese are both for St Thomas.
Ditto Exit Zero's always excellent advice. There are plenty of people who have been here 20+ years. For newcomers, there is an "ah-ha" moment at about...
Barney: There is one hospital on St Thomas. All surgery, except for office based stuff, is done there. There are two orthopedic surgeons currentl...
Lisa: Hospice here, as everywhere, is generally financed by Medicare. I do not believe that a hospice owner/manager can cater to rich people at the ex...
WAPA is the Water and Power Authority. They desalinate and provide potable water as well as sometimes providing electricity. Cable company is Inn...
That happens? Sounds like a terrible way to run a business. Roadie: Did you forget where you live??
It is good that you have no hesitations, but keep your options open. Don't burn your bridges back home. And give yourself six months or a year to make...
kikki: Do you know the price of a standard manicure at Options?
What about the Cash and Carry?:P
Ronnie: I think most of us realized something was hinky with that post. And belated happy birthday to ya over here on this board.8-)
When I saw the topic, I thought, "Yes. What else is new?"