East Ender
Illustrious Member
Joined: March 3, 2005 3:30 am
Last seen: September 11, 2021 10:30 am
Topics: 215 / Replies: 5189
Re: Indian Community on St Croix

The India Association here on St Thomas has a community center. They just had a an India Independence Day celebration at the Reef. Edward, you might t...

15 years ago
Re: Being a Midwife in St Thomas

julie: I don't really have a horse in the race, but your observations are pretty much in accordance with mine. I would add that I think there medicin...

15 years ago
Re: Being a Midwife in St Thomas

greenie: So you don't currently have a green card? And are you asking about scholarships to the university here for your studies? I do not think that ...

15 years ago
Re: Moving to St. Thomas

Well, welcome to the funhouse, Tex. Yes, all buildings, condos, houses, apartments will have a cistern. Kinda like your little local water supply...

15 years ago
Re: stormvi.com???

Beeski: I just discovered those during the run up to Earl. It was amazing watching the eye grazing Anegada on the St Maarten radar!:-o

15 years ago
Re: pronunciation of caribbean!

LOL. Both. I say "Royal Cah-RIB-ee-un", but "Care-uh-BE-un" Sea.

15 years ago
Re: Cost of living.

Ah, Zig, you just missed the Texas Chili Cook-Off here on St Thomas. It is the big chance for Texans to two step in the sand. Ah, maybe next year...

15 years ago
Re: Cost of living.

Zigmo: It all depends on what sort of job it is. There are people here making $60,000 or more for jobs that might pay $30,000 or so. Lots of these are...

15 years ago
Re: Not like Stateside and thankful

Another quotable comment from Katrina: Reporter: "How do you feel about all the churches that have been destroyed?" New Orleanian: "Oh, it's ok...

15 years ago
Re: Not like Stateside and thankful

Skys: Before my cable went out, I was watching one of the 5 year anniversary shows about Katrina. They interviewed a city councilman who said that the...

15 years ago
Re: Where's WAPA?

Maybe they are too busy out here on the east end. We got connected yesterday. 😉 WAHOO!

15 years ago
Re: Being a Midwife in St Thomas

Okay, I'm sorry, Julie. Didn't mean hippy dippy in a bad way.:-) But she said "adolescent" mothers, and I don't get the idea of the 14 year old girls...

15 years ago
Re: Cost of living.

No state income tax in St Thomas either. One of the big differences coming from Texas, a Right To Work state, is that almost all private and public se...

15 years ago
Re: Yoga Iyengar Fridays YHG

What gym at Yacht Haven???? Or am I misunderstanding you??

15 years ago
Re: Being a Midwife in St Thomas

My first question is: Are you a US citizen or do you have a green card? Because without one of those, it is going to be difficult to move here. M...

15 years ago
15 years ago
Replies: 12
Views: 2024
Re: Not like Stateside and thankful

I agree. While we do have a smattering of Katrina people-"Help! Come cut my grass!"- I believe that Caribbean people are made of sterner stuff. It is...

15 years ago
Re: Need some more advice

There are cruise ships that anchor out and tender into Cruz Bay. To me safari has two meanings: 1. an open re-constructed truck with bench seats ...

15 years ago
Re: att iphone service

Yes, there is 3G.. and have I told you lately?...I love my iPhone.;)

15 years ago
Re: Noticed this on St Thomas

Thanks for the update, Ann-yankee-fish;) I am sorry about your stuff, but glad to hear about Sharon's spot...

15 years ago
Re: No more Buck Island days! Say it ain't so!

People were very upset when the park on St John went to moorings only. However, the sea grass has come back and with it, the turtles. If they allowed ...

15 years ago
Re: Hurricanes

anne: As long as a hurricane could be coming your way, you have to watch it. You have to be prepared on June 1st for a storm. You take the same precau...

15 years ago
Re: Hello and please help with relocation issues

anne: Spend some time looking through this board. For example, on the navigation bar above, under "The Move" is a section called "What to expect" whic...

15 years ago
15 years ago
Replies: 3
Views: 1339
Re: Noticed this on St Thomas

Kon Tiki is in the mangrove, but Studio Hair is next to Enkai. Any news?

15 years ago
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