Last seen: September 11, 2021 10:30 am
I am sorry you "hate" St Thomas, having spent only a month in the territory on St John. I won't try to answer your other questions. 😀
tomav: Las Vegas Night is a one night deal- December 4th this year. It is "play" money in that it is a fundraiser for my neighborhood school. To my fe...
"This prosecution is plain and simply a retaliation for the the federal crackdown on corruption here." Either that or "We run t'ings" posturing....
Did she ever pay back the $750,000 to Plaza Extra after Marilyn?;)
I have a relative who graduated in Marine Biology. Got a great start and in now in graduate school in Big America. The positive comments I heard were:...
IP: Congrats on a successful search. The general advice here is: Don't rent anything you haven't personally seen. Do you agree?? Zero: I did not ...
tomay: If you are flexible and have a work ethic, you will find work. If you are coming down for an extended stay, which I gathered from your other po...
dwood: I would call and talk to someone in HR. Sometimes they forget to pull the ads, but sometimes there is a small matter of salary. In IT, there is...
Well, for one thing, they have their own beach on campus! 😉
nimo: Many people on this board believe that traveling jobs are the only way to go. Travelers, however, are not really considered as part of the VI co...
Ah, yes, the party of the rich like George Soros. 😉 So Mapp has Turnbull and Schneider supporting him. And this is good?
Did you try: K-Mart, Western Auto, the furniture place in Four Winds, the furniture place across from CAHS or the furniture place in Lockhart Gardens?...
I am not sure if you mean "RLS" aka Schneider Regional...but if so, you can check the website Yes, they are always needing nurses! 😉 And there a...
Joy: Why don't you post the name of the condo? When you say "adjacent to" or "near", it is really hard for a reader to understand where the place is. ...
Extreme: 6 am to 9 pm Monday through Friday, 8 am to 4 pm Saturday and 8 am to 1 pm Sunday.
AT&T- I love my iPhone!(tu)
"Well meaning, but ignorant people cast their votes on a whim or the belief in a lie." "yes the party of the rich looters, the party of 'kill the mi...
UPDATE: I went by yesterday. They still have stuff in boxes, but have returned to many more individual items- tomatoes, snap peas, potatoes, avocados,...
There really isn't any agency that can close beaches, except for the Magens Bay Authority. I know people who are at Bolongo and were told the water wa...
Those are some great endorsements, it seems.:S
There is also The Reef, Journey at the Wyndham, & Gym Sweeney/Sea Grape Spa at the Elysian.
I was kind of wondering if an endorsement from Gov. Turnbull was considered a good thing?
Okay, that would be excise tax. I am not the one to explain it, but some things get taxed when they come in, especially if the are not manufactured in...
I also was thinking of the Frenchtown Deli. They have Scrabble, the Rock Lounge, and other get-togethers. Not real convenient, although you can walk f...