Last seen: September 11, 2021 10:30 am
Rent for 6 months. If you don't like the feral cats, perhaps you will like the feral chickens better. 😉 Cabrita Point also has deer.
Or Quakewatch app. (tu)(tu)
For your pre-move visit, you might want to pick a spot in town like the Crystal Palace. It is close to the law offices, some government offices and yo...
Edward: He has a very good reputation and is very busy!!
Start with the navigation panel above: "Pre-move", "Move", "Island Life", etc. Lots of basic information there to help guide you. I'm not sure what wo...
Do you have a map of St Thomas? You can see where UVI is and that the west and north sides are closest, which is why a lot of UVI students pick those ...
I am having deja vu about this thread. Didn't we just have this discussion? I will only disagree with one of his statements: "The fact is - it is...
Edward: Are you paying a reasonable wage? Heck, I'll come over and sail with you! 😉
bob: Not sure what the health issues are, but you might want to search here re: health care. We do not have every specialist that you all have up in P...
LOL monmil! I had to Google "Redbox" so it is safe to say we don't have it. We DO have Netflix, although some are protesting the new rates because we ...
Julie: Maybe you should come over here and get a suite at the Reef until due date! Cheaper than the boat! LOL. I really was thinking about trauma. The...
The only thing I could come up with is hanging out in the Cost-U-Less parking lot and offering to represent all the pirate DVD and CD sellers there!;)...
Why do we even have a boat? :S A helicopter would be much more effective- a quicker, smoother ride directly from Myra Keating to RLS.
Most UVI students stick to the west end or northside. These are most convenient to class. Ditch the T-Mobile and get AT&T. The Island Trader is a grea...
Where is the "like" button when you need it??(tu)(tu)
Sharon at Studio Hair- on Gregarie East, next door to En Kai. 777-4247
I got mine this morning- Friday.
For a visit? Do you have a place to stay that allows dogs?
I think someone needs to go into time out!! 😛
Okay, I am a former smoker (the worst kind, right??) and I don't like being around smoke, but this is the most stupid law ever. Every business person ...
I thought this was interesting about gun laws and visitor perceptions
From the Source:
I think the whole point of this thread is that you have to look at neighborhoods yourself. It is silly to say "Don't live on Back Street," as there ar...
Mega dittos!!(tu)
St X: I was talking to some marine biologists last weekend who said that they are pretty tasty. Letting the local fishermen have at them might be a re...