Last seen: September 11, 2021 10:30 am
You catch and release sharks from a kayak??!!:-o You can check with Fish and Wildlife in Red Hook, 340-775-6762, as they have oversight in these ...
Two very popular cash game sites in STT - you will have no problem finding a table - supplementing your income ? Hey -- it's Poker. ???? Th...
Bratt: See my post on the last page. You can get free, quick shipping from!!
Ah, Joey! But you can read a Kindle in the sunshine on the beach!;) You will find lots of readers around. There have always been places where peo...
Okay, missing cathy so I thought I'd resurrect her thread! Still haven't finished the third Millenium book, bu I've got a good excuse! I have a K...
Ha, ha, ha! The USVI never cuts any government jobs. Not only are they government, they are unionized and because of hazardous duty are able to retire...
Here are a couple of ideas on why things (including gas) are more expensive in the VI. Excise tax on everything that comes in for resale (2% to 25%). ...
Did you see the thread about shipping a car from STX to STT? It's just down the list a bit.;)
Not switching to Dish. Not a big TV person, but sometimes it would be nice to see stuff when I want to, not when the cable company wants me to.;) Espe...
I wonder what ever happened with rokipatel?
Pamela: There is not an infectious disease specialist currently on island. You might want to try someone in internal medicine.
So that means I could watch "The Good Wife" at a decent hour in the winter??*-) "A clean interface"??
Okay, TV2 says: oil leak that they knew about and wanted to wait until after Carnival to fix (?!) tripped one unit and a domino effect ensued. Mainten...
Nothing on the Source. I figured someone here would have the skinny on the "catastrophe." I wonder how many electronic devices were fried today?
No, the water is not freezing cold here in January. Speak for yourself, Bob!:P
There are social work jobs. You should check with Dept of Labor. You might be able to get something that allows you some time on St John, but it will...
The bar employees don't have anything to do with it. Secret Harbour Beach and Hill do not allow animals on the property. You are being granted access ...
I called information to get a phone number this afternoon and no one answered! 😉
Secret Harbour does not allow dogs. That does not seem to keep dogs away. I love dogs, but they don't belong on beaches. The reason they are not allow...
On which island?
Seaview Nursing and Rehabilitation
Magens Boutique and Morningstar Beach Shop.
Bobbo: Welcome to the Moving Center.:-) You might want to spend a bit of time reading through the archives here. Look at the info bar above where it s...