East Ender
Illustrious Member
Joined: March 3, 2005 3:30 am
Last seen: September 11, 2021 10:30 am
Topics: 215 / Replies: 5189
12 years ago
Replies: 17
Views: 2339
Re: A request for aid

Can I ask a related question? Isn't Corrections responsible for the basic needs of the inmates?

12 years ago
Re: Juan f. luis hospital

Garbo: Where do you think care would come from if the hospital closed? No one will let Juan Luis close. There is always turmoil in the VI.

12 years ago
Re: Goats

I have always wondered, with all the goats around, why someone hasn't started a goat cheese business...

12 years ago
Re: Jet Skis

Islander1012: The problem is that PWC are not marketed toward responsible people who are respectful of the laws. And here in the VI there is actually ...

12 years ago
Re: hospital jobs STX

To both of you: Why don't you consider coming to the bright side of the road? 😀

12 years ago
Re: hospital jobs STX

I hope you are reading the Source (online paper) as there is something new every day, like this

12 years ago
Re: Jet Skis

PWC are marketed toward aggressive youth. The purpose is to tear up the water. Safety is a problem. They don't draw much, so folks try to go in shallo...

12 years ago
Re: Weekend BVI trip recommendations?

Don't they have carnival/festival events this month and next month? I think the August Monday celebration is- soon??

12 years ago
Re: Weekend BVI trip recommendations?

We love North Sound. Not sure if you are on your own boat (stay on a mooring at Saba Rock or get a slip) or taking a ferry (easy peasy from Red Hook)....

12 years ago
Re: How do I change my mailing address with the IRB?

Alana: I think that is what a lot of people do. VIsnorkeler has moved on and wants the money to go to Hawaii now. 😉

12 years ago
Re: Science anyone?

Very cool Swans, thanks!

12 years ago
Re: How do I change my mailing address with the IRB?

Well, heck if I can find it on line, but The Daily News on Saturday had an article: "V.I. residents should expect a delay in receiving tax refunds" w...

12 years ago
Re: Which island to choose?

ima: This board has a tendency to get sidetracked at times.:P Just keep to your guns and keep firing those questions!

12 years ago

I am not sure that I would agree with the statement that corruption starts with greed. All creatures have self-preservation at their core. We tend to ...

12 years ago

Steve: The corruption, the unfunded liabilities, the unions, the pension plans are all problems in the USVI, too.

12 years ago
Re: Looking to buy a few egg laying hen chicks STT

A&A: Did you ever imagine so many views for this thread??

12 years ago
Re: Which island to choose?

Here is one thing that I do not like about St John: I sit down in a restaurant and I overhear the perky server tell a tourist: "Oh, I never go to St T...

12 years ago
Re: Which island to choose?

I was asking how you found St Thomas as a possible place to live. I also have never found it too crowded- except in town in the middle of season or du...

12 years ago
Re: A few questions about moving!

Welcome to the board! A couple of comments on nursing jobs...There are government positions available through the hospitals (Juan F Luis on St Cr...

12 years ago
Re: Moving

I will need to get my Dallas Cowboys fix. Okay. You lost me there. The day that Jerry Jones and Jimmy Johnson toasted with margaritas on the fron...

12 years ago
Re: Which island to choose?

Hello! Welcome to the board. Before I offer you my trifling opinions, let me ask you a question... What did you think of St Thomas? Did you find ...

12 years ago
Re: Moving

More Texans! Hooray! You are going to miss the Texas Society Chili Cook-Off on August 18th, unless you can extend your stay...:D Running: Check out ...

12 years ago
Re: senior ID card STT

Well, you can tell who all has been there! LOL $3 round trips to St John! Half-price car registration! (tu):@)

12 years ago
Re: Science anyone?

swans: As an aside- are we going to be able to see the new comet here this fall?? Hale-Bopp was so cool, I'm hoping for another...

12 years ago
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