East Ender
Illustrious Member
Joined: March 3, 2005 3:30 am
Last seen: September 11, 2021 10:30 am
Topics: 215 / Replies: 5189
Re: Thinking about moving to St. Croix next winter

Pdmargie: Neither of the territorial hospitals can close because they are the sole providers of care. However, if you want more stability, maybe you c...

10 years ago
Re: Now no CBS on Dish?

My gosh, people? How do you watch Big Bang Theory if you don't have CBS?! Next you'll say you don't have HGTV! I like my Innovative.

10 years ago
Re: A Big Thank You to the VI Locals!!

Welcome! And don't fade into the sunset. Let us hear how things are going as you settle in.

10 years ago
Re: Diase Coffelt endorses Mapp for Governor

From the Daily Snooze this morning, Mapp says he supports charter schools.

10 years ago
Re: Diase Coffelt endorses Mapp for Governor

Look. Who is the lesser of the evils? That is who I will close my eyes and vote for.

10 years ago
Re: Wanted: Mooring St Croix

Just to add, I don't believe moorings are transferable. You have to go to DPNR for help.

10 years ago
Re: November 2014 Free Flu Shot Vaccinations Schedule - All Islands

mercola.com Really, Mercola?! One of the biggest quackeroos in the alternative universe.

10 years ago
Replies: 20
Views: 3785
Re: Alert / Warning Transportation - Driving Advisories

I cringe when I see people in the water the day after a big rain. I wonder if the resorts even say anything to visitors.

10 years ago
Re: Alert / Warning Transportation - Driving Advisories

Here's a yucky report: "St. Thomas: The Bovoni Landfill and the Household Hazardous Waste Collection Center are currently closed as the road cond...

10 years ago
Re: DIsh HD Channels

We have cable, UPS, and generator. Sometimes, if Innovative doesn't have a blackout, the cable is fine.

10 years ago
Re: Election Day stories

You voted paper last time or on the machine? It was on the old machine, but they also had the old sign-in book. It always looked like there were ...

10 years ago
Replies: 9
Views: 1342
Re: I'm Seeing Buses!

This is an interesting article:Who knew that we have a transportation plan?

10 years ago
Re: Kenneth Mapp

... expose their fowl play over the past four years... Oh good! Does that mean he is going to get those 500 people to kill the darn chickens??

10 years ago
Re: Jeweler Or Dive Shop For Dive Computer Battery

Did you try Hi Tech Water Sports(or whatever it is called) across from En Kai?

10 years ago
Re: Governor Vetoes Pot Decriminalization

I wonder where the anti-GMO people are when it comes to marijuana? There has definitely been serious GMing going on in that industry!

10 years ago
Re: East End Marine Park

A cursory google search shows there is a no-take zone, but like on St Thomas, are there exceptions? Also, I see there is a Friends of the Park Faceboo...

10 years ago
Re: East End Marine Park

Rev: Do you know what the rules are for the park? Our East End Reserve here on St Thomas allows casting for bait fish by fishermen. It doesn't allow o...

10 years ago
Re: Chucky Episode 4

Mapp and Chucky win!! Do you think that polling an elementary school is a legitimate sample for the electorate? 😉

10 years ago
Re: Anywhere on STX with Chimeneas in stock?

Casa Rustica is long gone. 🙁

10 years ago
Re: Bookstore STT!

Thanks 411! That was the building I thought. No wonder I didn't see it. Good scouting! 😉

10 years ago
Re: Governor Vetoes Pot Decriminalization

sunshine: I don't think it will go away. But I don't want to encourage it either. Colorado has a problem of poorly motivated young people coming to en...

10 years ago
Re: Governor Vetoes Pot Decriminalization

Lord, just what we need is a bunch of homeless pot heads like the ones who have been attracted to Colorado.

10 years ago
Re: Bookstore STT!

I drove by looking for it today and couldn't find it. It's in the building with the little restaurant? I didn't drive in the back, but didn't see any ...

10 years ago
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